30. Outage

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cw: sexual scene

Antonio’s POV

Mike kept his palm on my bare skin. I sunk further into him, his hand providing all the heat in the room. The sound of thunder cracked outside. Rain pelted on the windows. A movie was on the television. And Mike was here. It’s perfect.

The screen on the TV suddenly went black. The power had shut off and we were in complete silence and darkness.

“Aww shit!” I yelled. I sat up, Mike’s hand leaving my skin and his warmth from his body dissipated away from the loss of contact. My eyes scoured the dark home and was set on the drawer in the kitchen that held candles and matches. Blackouts during storms are common in our area since the power grids aren’t up to code. 

The candles are new so luckily we’ll have a long time. I’ll just ask Rafa to fix the power when he comes later once the storm calms down. Lighting up the candles, I set them on the table. Mike came up behind and hugged me from my waist. He rested his chiseled chin on my shoulder. 

“This is very romantic.” He stared at the candle. I turned my head to meet his. 

“How about we cuddle in my room. That’ll be nice.” I said. He hid his head on my shoulder and suddenly picked me up bridal style. “MIKE!” I yelped. He gave my cheek a huge kiss.

“Mine.” He said. We laughed as he carried me to my room. He set me down on the bed on my back. He climbed on top of me and stared deep into my eyes. 

“Remember Halloween when you let me touch you?” I asked. His cheeks turned a shade of red.

“I’ve been thinking about that moment every day.” He responded. I moved my knee to brush on his groin.

“I-” I said but stopped, thinking if I should say this. Manny always warned me about having sex. He didn’t want me knocking up some girl. He said that if I was to ever get a girl pregnant, he would force me to care for the baby and be a father to it. But he never warned me about having sex with men.

“Antonio?” He asked, wondering where my mind went.

I looked up at him. It’s Mike. I want Mike. “I want us to go further.” I let out. Mike’s eyes widened.

“Ant. Are you sure? I mean, I’ve only done it with girls. I have some experience, but not with men.” He responded. That is true. Mike was known as a bit of a stud. He hasn’t had any hookups since we met at the race. Meanwhile I’ve been a virgin all my life. 

“I’ve thought about it for a long time. Truth is, I don’t think I’ll ever want to be with a woman. You’re the one I love Mike. I want you.” I said. Mike laid down next to me and put his arm under my neck.

“I want you too. So badly. If we both want it, then…”

“Let’s do it. Here. Right now. No one will bother us. It’s now or never.” I eagerly responded. Mike thought about it. He stood up and got off my bed. I thought he was going to leave until he slid off his belt.

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