47. Honeymoon

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Antonio’s POV

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Antonio’s POV

The ocean air is something I’ve grown accustomed to within the past week. The slight salt air that opens your lungs, making one feel like a new person, is incredibly addicting. Breathe in and out. Someone once told me that’s what you do when life is stressful. Something to do when you need to calm down. But they don’t tell you just how amazing taking that breath is when everything in life is perfect. 

“That was perfect.” Mike said as he put on his pants. “Guess you can say we consummated our marriage.” He joked.

“Mike!” I gasped at him. I reached over to get my shirt and put it on. “It hasn’t even been 3 hours since we got married.”

“We fell in love at first sight. I think time is irrelevant to us.” 

“That’s true.” I began to look around. My torso and below was covered by a blanket. “Did we have to do it in your backyard? People can see us out here.” 

“Nah, they won’t. Besides, the view is amazing.” Mike laid back down and snuggled up next to me. We looked over at the sunset. It’s beautiful. I’ve seen many amazing things. Sunsets and Michael Lexington will be one of my favorites.

I moved my body closer to Mike’s larger one. I snuggled into his side and took in his warmth.

“I think the wedding was beautiful.” I said.

“Me too. But one day, Ant, I’ll give you a real wedding. I don’t care how long I have to wait. But one day it’ll happen.” Mike kissed my hair.

“I don’t know, Mike. That wedding we had earlier seemed real to me. I don’t need you to spend so much on me. I just want to know that you’ll be with me for life. You promise, right?” I said. Mike looked down with the most love in his eyes for me.

“I said I’ll be in your life in my vows. I didn’t say those words for nothing, mi amor.” Mike and I leaned in and exchanged a kiss. 

“But…” I began saying. “Perhaps a small wedding would be nice. Maybe next year?” I asked.

“I’ll get planning right away! Just name what you want and I’ll get it for you.”

“Mike, we need to start being realistic.” I blatantly said which caused Mike to look down at me.

“What do you mean? Realistic how?” He asked.

“No matter what happens after the fight, they still won’t let us be together.” Mike placed his hand on mine. “Do we really want to risk it? Risk our safety because we’re in love?”

“I would normally say yes. But I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”

“Right. Saints and Jewels already don’t mix. Who knows? What if when we reveal ourselves, the gangs might return to their fighting. I don’t want that.” I explained to him. 

“It’s too dangerous to come out. That’s what you’re trying to say, huh?”

“I’m sorry, Mike. I know you really wanted for people to know about us, but we’ll have to rethink that.” I said. Mike looked like he was thinking about something in his head but probably pushed it away.

“Yeah. Let’s keep this secret longer for a while. I’m sure nothing bad will happen within the next few weeks, right?”

“I sure hope not.” As I said that, Mike’s hand began to trail lower my body. 

“Mike!” I gasped out. “I’m not wearing anything!”

“I can’t keep my hands off you, Ant. Besides, it’s our honeymoon. Shouldn’t we be spending every minute making love?”

“Just go easy this time. I hit my head on a rock earlier.” I responded.

“Deal.” Mike started to reach lower, his lips leaving a trail of kisses down my sweaty body. All that can be heard was my pants and Mike’s sloppy kisses all over me.

This is how I would definitely spend the rest of my days if I could. In the arms of my Mike.



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