12. Target

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Michael's POV

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Michael's POV

"Okay, okay, okay. A man does not kiss and tell." I said to stop Jack from trying to guess who I was with. Hint: it's not a girl.

"So what's the plan now? Manuel now knows you're pissed and probably knows you cheated." Bandit said. The door to the hangout opened and in walked Archie and Ace.

"Hey guys. What's going on?" Ace asked. I didn't fail to notice the love bites on his neck. "Oh, Jack. Paula got home. She got a ride from her gals." He said.

"Thanks. And we're planning ways to get revenge on the Saints." We all sat on the leather sofas.

"I would say retaliate with pranks but that'll only add fuel to the fire." Petey said.

"Recon I could bag some of their stores?" Bandit asked. He tossed a knife to a dartboard without a care.

"Perhaps. But I'm thinking we send a message to the Saints. Manuel specifically." Jack held his chin and began thinking.

"What about Manuel's little brother? That queer." Ace said. My attention zoned back into the conversation at the mention of Ant.

"I think his name is Antonio." Petey said. No one could see my worried expression.

"Who's Antonio?" Bandit asked.

"Manuel's little brother. But he's not a part of the Saints. But Manuel still treats him like one, having the Guard follow him around." Jack said.

"We should totally pound that candyass!" Ace said, practically jumping in his seat. I think Ace doesn't like Antonio.

I knew then that I had to do something to protect Antonio. If I couldn't be there for him all the time, the least I can do is make sure he's out of harm's way.

"I don't think so." I piped up, my booming voice quieting the discussion.

"Oh yeah? And why not? It's a perfect plan. Attack the dweeb and let Manuel know not to mess with the Jewels!" Ace defended his plan.

"It does sound fool proof, Michael." Jack said like a spineless coward.

"I can think of two reasons why not to. One: attacking Antonio won't calm the Saints down. They see him as a little brother. Hurting him is putting a target on all of our backs and no doubt would lead to a rumble. And two: Antonio is not a Saint. It's stated in the rules you can only attack Saints. Since Antonio is not a Saint, attacking him could lead to the pigs looking to arrest us." I said. Sure there have been times when those rules were broken, but rules are made to be broken and only followed when it's to favor someone.

Everyone began thinking about what I said.

"I'm on Michael's side. Attacking Antonio is a bad idea." Petey said, taking my side. I nodded to my best friend to say thank you.

"I don't know. I still think we should jump him." Ace is still trying. "I mean, what's he gonna do? Fight back? Not a chance! You've seen that beaner? Fucker small as shit! That wimp would probably not even say anything to his brother. Probably just say he fell down-" Ace said until I spoke up.

"I advise if you want to keep your knees to shut up!" I spoke fiercely at him. "One more word from you and watch what happens." I cracked my knuckles and made sure my muscles bulged from under my suit. Ace stopped talking and gulped into submission.

"Enough! Both of you! Let me think!" Jack said. He sat for a while, thinking of what to do. I'm just saying, if he dares lay a finger on Antonio I'll make sure to return the favor to him.

"Alright. Here's my consensus. We will NOT attack Antonio!" Ace groaned while I smiled. "But we'll still brainstorm something." Jack said.

"Right. Well, I'm gonna hit the hay. We'll reconvene tomorrow." Petey said while yawning.

"Tomorrow. Yes. Goodnight men. You're all dismissed." Jack said. We walked out of the hangout. Ace glared at me. Not my fault I have a bigger influence.

"Dude. You good? Kinda snapped in there." Petey asked me.

"Yeah man. Guess I'm just tired." I responded. In reality, I snapped because my Antonio was being threatened for no reason either than for some petty schism. Keeping him out of it is the only way I can ensure he's safe. But we are in a secret relationship. That in itself is a major target.

"I need a ride home." Petey said. We walked to my red car and opened the door on the passenger side.

"Hop in." I said.


bye! i love you all!


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