45. Fabrics

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Michael’s POV

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Michael’s POV

Stretching my arms, I groaned at the sudden pain in my neck. I shook it off and sighed. Ant was still asleep next to me. The glow from the morning sun added a gold tone to his brown skin. I brushed some of his curls behind his ear and admired his face. He had prettier eyelashes than most girls I know.

I needed to make us breakfast so I carefully split away from Ant. I picked up my underwear from the floor and put it on. My bare feet hit the cold floor, but the carpet lessened the chills. The en suite bathroom was to the opposite corner of where my bed was at. I walked in and used the bathroom and brushed my teeth. 

When I exited, I put a spare toothbrush on the desk near Ant with a note that I’ll be downstairs. I yawned the entire way down. I have no idea what we’ll do today but I’m sure we’ll think of something. But I needed to find a way to give Ant the ring I’d bought him a few days ago. It’ll be a way for me to tell him that I’m serious about us.

Deciding to make pancakes, I got the ingredients and began mixing everything. As I was flipping the fourth batch (we don’t talk about the first one), some soft hands came around my waist and hugged my torso.

“Morning.” Ant said. I could feel his face on my back.

“Good morning! I made breakfast.” I said. I turned around and leaned down to kiss him.

“I can see.” He said. He kissed my biceps and leaned into me, watching while I worked. I looked down and saw he was wearing only underwear too. 

“Wanna talk about it?” I asked. His face showed he was thinking about it. I can tell it’s a painful topic.

“I just want us to be safe. Dina, Petey, Ms. Bella, and Avalon know about us. We said no one was gonna find out.” Ant said. I reached up and grabbed some plates and utensils and true

“At least the people who do know don’t seem to hate us and have sworn to keep our secret.” I walked to the large dining table with a view of the gardens and set our plates down next to each other. Maybe I should make Ant sit on my lap.

“I dreamed about losing you.” Ant said from behind me. I turned around, a sympathetic look on my face. “We were at a beach, I think we were older, and everything turned dark. I turned and you were gone.” Ant started to sniffle by this point. I went over to him and held him in my arms. 

I led us to the table where we sat in our seats. “I’m still here, Ant. I’m not leaving.” I comforted him.

“It was the fact that I tried everything I could but it still wasn’t enough to save you.”

“You save me everyday from myself, Ant, without trying. Trust me, you’re doing an amazing job.” I said to him, hugging him into my chest.

Ant calmed himself down enough and we were finally able to eat in peace. I know what it’s like to be in a dream where you’re useless because the same happened to me last night. Could have it been a warning? The two of us having a similar dream of losing each other?

“What’s the plan for today?” Ant asked after eating his pancakes.

“Hmm. I don’t really know.” I pondered the idea. There isn’t much we can do. It’s a Saturday meaning we’ll probably be seeing others from school if we go out somewhere like the plaza. 

“Ya’know, now that I think of it, I do need some new clothes.” Ant said.

“Perfect! We’ll go get you some clothes.” I said. 

After breakfast and a quickie in the shower, we were ready to go shopping. However, that’s when the issue came up. Where would we go? Everywhere else is busy. Then I remembered that Avalon's parents own a clothing store. And her parents are out of town so it’s probably empty. 

I phoned Avalon. “Avalon!” I quickly said.

“Good morning to you too, Mike.” She said.

“I need a small favor.” I said. I heard her groan. 

“Sure. What do you need?” She asked.

“Well, Ant is staying over at my house for the weekend.” I said.

“Mike...” Her voice became stern. “I don’t want anything to do with this! Look, I’m happy you found someone, but it’s dangerous!” 

“I know, Ava! But I need a small favor! I promise to pay you back and more! Please!” I said into the phone.

“What is it?” She asked.

“Ant needs clothes. Could we shop at your parents’ store? I know it’s closed but we can’t shop in public.” 

Ava sighed. “Fine! But I expect double pay.” I know Avalon enough that the extra money she’ll pocket for herself.

“Thank you thank you thank you!” I said into the phone. 

“Drive past my house to get the keys. I’m not leaving my house for you.”

“Perfect! I’ll see you soon.” I hung up the phone and regretted not saying a farewell. I ran to Ant and told him the news. He expressed that he’ll need to make Avalon something as a way to say thank you. My Ant, caring for others.

We drove to Ava's house where she handed me the keys.

“If anyone finds out...” She held the keys away from me. “...I’ll tell everyone that you stole them. Got it?” She asked. 

“Mmhmm. Got it.” She handed me the keys. I understand her refusal to help. It’s like getting involved with the mafia (which my parents made that mistake once). 

We reached the department store and I parked in the employee parking lot. It’s located near the business district. Since it’s a weekend, the business center is somewhat empty. 

“Close your eyes, there’s poor people.” I jokingly said.

“Mike, I’m poor.” He pointed out. 

“Oh. Then just look at me.” I said. Ant turned away from me, causing me to whine like a child for him to look at me. The entrance came into view. I acted like a secret spy, opening the door and ushering Ant to come in.

“It’s dark.” Ant said. I walked to the back and managed to find the light switch. It came on and the whole store lit up. Different sections have signs displaying what type of clothes were sold.

“Shall we start?” I asked.

“Where do we even begin?” He asked. I looked around and saw the men’s section. I grabbed his hand and raced us through the store. 

I picked up a light blue button up shirt and held it up. “This’ll look good on you.” I said.

“Ya think?” He asked. He held it up and turned to a mirror next to us and saw how it looked. “Yeah, it does.” He said. I came up behind him and leaned down. He saw what I was doing and leaned up to kiss me. I felt him smile into the kiss.

We spent the next hour picking clothes. The cycle went Ant looking at things, me choosing, him looking, me looking, us kissing. We had a small intermission where we just joked around and put on random things.

Rather than go home immediately, we decided to stay in the store. It was cool here and we have privacy to do whatever we want. I suggested we do it here in the store but Ant doesn’t want carpet burns. 

I’ll keep trying my luck, though. He’s bound to say yes. But if not, we’ll do it when we get home. I'm a patient person...


bye bye!!!


His Saint, His Jewel ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt