21. Let Them Eat Cake

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Michael’s POV

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Michael’s POV

It’s Ant’s birthday today. I’m a bit upset that he didn’t tell me, but I easily forgave him when he kissed me on the cheek. The bruises on his face, while painful, made him look sexier. Is that possible? Injuries making someone look hotter? Cause if it is, that's what happened to Ant. Especially that stitch on his upper cheek.

Okay, step one: get a card for him. I could either go with a store bought one or a hand written one. Maybe I could buy a nice one and then write a note in it. Second: get a cake. I know of a good bakery that makes the best German chocolate cake. And third: get another kiss.

I drove home but stopped by Jack’s just to see him. I’ve kinda been slacking on my “duties”. I entered his home, one of the smaller homes in our region. I entered and he set down his cigarette. 

“Wanna bum a smoke?” He asked.

“Nah. What’s the occasion? You never smoke.” I said. Which is true. The only times I’ve seen him smoke is when he’s stressed.

“Talked with Manuel earlier today.” He said. He lit another and inhaled the toxic smoke. “We agreed that we should both fight. Loser has to step down. Winner gets control of Newport.” He said. 

“Shouldn’t you be training?” I remarked.

“Shouldn’t you be doing your role as second in command!?” He snapped back. I was startled by his tone. He never raises his voice at me.

“Jack?” I warned him.

“Sorry man. It’s just… it seems like recently you’ve been keeping to yourself more. Do you even want to be in the Jewels anymore?” He asked.

“Of course I do!” I lied. Jack sighed. Obviously stressed.

“Alright.” He responded.

“I gotta bounce. I’ll see you at the next meeting.” I said but Jack fell asleep. I put a blanket on him.

I left and got the stuff I needed. I got the birthday card and wrote a note on it. Then I went to Miss Swiss, a fine and expensive Switzerland based bakery for the cake. I’m fine with splurging extra on my Ant.

I already know where he lives. Last time I was here, I was carrying a bloody Ant into his home. I hope his friend didn’t see me kissin him.

Pulling up into a dark alley, I exited the car and carried everything with me. I snuck towards his window where I grabbed a handful of pebbles and threw them at his window.

The window opened and I accidentally hit him in the face with a rock. I laughed and he turned red in humiliation.

“I missed you.” He said, leaning his head on his palm looking down at me.

“We saw each other earlier.” I said.

“Wasn’t enough time. I need more of you.” He said. He looked down at the box I had.

“I brought you gifts.” I said. I hopped onto the large rock near the window and stood on top of it. “I got you a card and a cake.” I put the stuff on the edge of the window.

“Mike! You shouldn’t have!” He said. “How much was this cake?” He asked.

“Price doesn’t matter. Besides,” I leaned into the window and brushed my lips against his. “You deserve it.” I whispered. Ant kissed me.

I reached forward and pulled his face closer to my face. My tongue slipped into his mouth. He groaned and let my tongue in. He also wanted some action and flicked his tongue into my mouth.

“ANTONIO!” A voice yelled from outside.

“Shit!” Ant said when he pulled us apart. I was busy panting from our kiss to care about whoever called him

“Do you have to go?” I whined.

“Do you really want Manny to come in here and see you at my window?” He asked.

“I just want to have an hour with you. An hour with no one else to bother us.” I said. Can’t a guy just kiss his boyfriend in peace?

“I want that too. Tell you what, I’ll try to get Manny to leave someday. Then you can come over.” He grinned.

“That would be nice.” I smiled at him.

“Antonio!” The voice called out.

“I’ll leave you to it.” I said. I kissed him again. “Happy birthday, Ant.” I said.

“Thank you. Thanks for the stuff.” He hugged me and kissed my face with several pecks.

“Bye, Ant.” I said.

“Buenas noches, Mike.” He said. I hopped down the rock and began running to my car. I turned and gave him one last smile before running away.

Just a few minutes. A day. A week. Forever is all I want.


kay, so, fun fact. all my stories are connected in one way or another. this story will make a link to at least six other stories. they'll be small but if you've read any of my other stories, you'll be able to catch the references. (ps this is me promoting my other stories. check them out! i recommend 'During That Summer')

bye! i love you all!


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