64. Doomsday

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Antonio’s POV

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Antonio’s POV

Rafa left before fifth period, so that meant that the angrier guys had to take me home. They didn’t even let me get a gelato on the way home or a bag of chips. Rafa always lets me get a snack on the way home.

Once I reached home, my body just wanted to give out.

“How was school?” Dolores asked me.

“Shit.” I responded.

“I figured.” Dolores responded. She came over to me and kissed me on the forehead. “Manuel went with Rafa to an emergency meeting with Jack. He’ll be back soon.” She said.

I automatically knew what the meeting was about. 

“I’m gonna go to sleep. Can you serve me lunch later?” I told her.

“Mhm, si. I’ll wake you up in an hour.” Dolores said. I walked to my room and just collapsed on the bed.

I hope Mike got my note. Especially that thing I wrote behind it. 

I took off my shoes and snuggled into Pancho, the bear Mike had won for me a few weeks ago at the carnival. And just like that, I fell asleep, dreaming of going to sleep.

My nap was disturbed by my door opening quickly and me being shaken. I groggily asked who it was.

“Antonio! Wake up!” I heard a voice called me. It wasn't Dolores’ or Manny’s. It sounded like Rafa’s.

I awoke and saw Rafa on the verge of tears, trying to get me to wake up.

“Rafa? What’s going on?” I asked. I checked my clock and saw I’d only been asleep for 30 minutes.

“Come to the living room, quickly!” Rafa said. I knew it was an emergency so I quickly got up and followed Rafa to the living room.

I walked in and saw Dolores sitting in Manny’s chair, crying her eyes out. She had a tissue and was wiping her tears.

“Dolores?” I asked. She looked up and gave me a tearful look. 

“Antonio…” She told me. Her voice was harsh and croaked.

“Sit.” Rafa softly spoke to me. I sat on the couch and Rafa stood in front of us. 

“Where’s Manny?” I asked.

“There was an accident.” Rafa said. My mind immediately went to dark places. I remember this just like the day I was told my mama and papa died.

“Is- is he okay?!” I asked.

“He is.” Rafa said. “He’s in the hospital but is in a coma. They don’t know when he’ll wake up. He got hit hard in the head.” Rafa said.

“Who did this?” I asked.

“The Jewels.” Rafa replied. I hugged myself and began rocking back and forth on the couch.

Dolores got up and sat next to me, putting her arm over my shoulders and hugging me close. 

“I need to go.” Rafa said. He began walking towards the door.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

Rafa slowly turned to me. “The king is down. War is coming.” Rafa replied. Before I could ask for more, Rafa opened the door and left.

Both Dolores and I cried on the couch.

“It’s my fault.” I said weakly. “It’s all my fault. I did this!” I sobbed into my arms.

“No, Antonio! It’s not your fault. You didn’t hospitalize Manuel.” She told me.

“But he went there because of me. Because I had to open my legs for Mike! I should’ve been in the car with mama and papa that night. Manny wouldn’t be in the hospital on the edge of death!” I said.

“No, Antonio! Don’t say that! You’re Manuel’s pride and joy. It was never your fault. I hope you understand that!” Dolores said.

I hugged her close and fell asleep on the couch. 

“Antonio…” Dolores’ voice said. I woke up and felt the burning sensation under my eyes.

“What?” I asked.

“Dinner is ready.” She said. I looked at her and saw her bokeh eyes trying not to cry. “Come on. The food is getting cold.” She said. She helped me up and brought me to the table.

“How are you doing?” I asked her.

“Like the love of my life is on the verge of dying.” She replied. I sat next to her and brought over my food.

“When can we go visit Manny?” I asked.

“Not right now. It’s too dangerous.” She said.

“What do you mean?” I asked again.

“While you were sleeping, everything changed. The Saint are in the streets. And Rafa placed bodyguards around us. Everyone wants to fight. I overheard Juan talking about a small fight that happened in the north. We were advised to stay indoors for the meantime.” She said.

“A fight? So I’m guessing the match between Manny and Jack is canceled.” I said.

“It’s worse now. I think it’s gonna be a bloodbath soon. All it takes is one shot and everyone will go crazy.” She sipped some water to clear her throat.

Dolores saw how nervous I was. My fingers were fiddling with each other. 

“So I can’t leave. What’s gonna happen now?” I asked.

“As of right now, we’ll just sit and wait for something to happen. And pray that Manuel gets better.” She said.

I nodded and returned to eating my food. It’s gonna be a long night.


<3 bye!

His Saint, His Jewel ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz