65. Long Night

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Michael’s POV

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Michael’s POV

The drive home was relaxing after the kind of day I’ve had. Petey wanted food, so we got some. And now, I needed a break from life.

I unlocked my front door and let Petey close it behind me. 

“What shall we do today?” Petey asked.

“I need a shower. You? Do whatever.” I said. 

Petey decided to watch TV while I went upstairs to my room. Before I did anything, I got Ant’s letter and stored it in a small locked box under my bed. There was also the ring that he gave me at our wedding.

Once I was sure everything was okay, I went into the bathroom and took off all my clothes. Warm water always makes me feel better. I must’ve spent close to an hour in there before I noticed the skin on my fingers was wrinkling.

I stepped out of the bathroom and grabbed a towel to put around myself.

As I was heading downstairs, I heard the sound of another voice and Petey’s. The voice sounded both angry and scared.

“What’s going on here?” I asked as I turned the corner. I saw on the kitchen table Petey and Avalon nearly at each other’s throats.

“Why are you naked?” Petey asked, turning to me.

“I have a towel!” I said.

“Mike!” Avalon said and quickly ran to me. “Did you hear?” She asked. I looked at Petey who turned away and bit on his fingers.

“Hear what?” I asked.

“Manuel got knocked out by Archie!” She said.

“He what?!” I said in surprise.

“Mhm! So, basically, Manuel and Rafael went to meet with Jack and a few others and Manuel managed to pin Jack down and punch him. Then Archie came up and knocked him. Apparently, Rafael pulled out a gun and scared Jack and the others away! It’s a mess!” Avalon said in quick haze. I've never seen her this riled up.

“I thought they were gonna have a civil meeting.” I said.

“They’re men, Michael. You can’t expect them to act like grownups.” She replied. 

I sat on the table and started thinking. “What else has been happening?” I asked.

“I heard that Dean got into it with some Saint near the Station. Dean got it pretty bad.” She said. 

“You know what this means, right?” Petey said.

“Hmm?” Ava said.

“That fight was just the first. Who knows what’ll happen next. Maybe another fight. Then another. And it’ll all lead to a rumble.” Petey explained.

“A rumble? You don’t think they’ll be one, right Michael?” Avalon asked me.

“Not sure. There hasn’t been a rumble in nearly a decade from last I heard.” I said. I ran my hand through my wet hair and pushed it back.

“Looks like that streak will end soon.” Petey said. 

I know this is my fault. And now, Ant’s brother, his only living family left, is in the hospital. 

“How’s Manuel doing?” I asked.

“I overheard from an officer interrogating Bandit that Manuel is comatosed and there’s a chance he won’t wake up.” Avalon explained.

“Fuck this!” I angrily said and got up, heading to the kitchen. “Anyone want something to drink?” I asked. Both said no. I got a cup of cold water and chugged it.

“I think we should stay away from Jack’s for the meantime. It’s not safe to be around them now that the pigs are after them.” Petey said.

“What about school? That place is a powder keg waiting to blow. Saints and Jewels walking alongside each other? No thanks!” Avalon told us.

“Right, well, I’m not going to school tomorrow. I don’t know about you guys..” I said.

I also needed to come up with a plan to get to the west side and talk to Ant. At least send my condolences. And be there for him while he’s waiting for news on his brother. Maybe I can even meet Manuel’s future wife Dolores and talk to her. Anything I can do to make them feel better.

“Can I stay here tonight, Michael? I felt weird coming over here. I don’t feel safe being in the streets.” Ava told me.

“Sure. You can take any room. Just call your mom that you’re staying over.” I said to her.

“What about me? Can I stay too?” Petey asked.

“Are you scared to be out alone?” I snarkily remarked at him.

“N-No! I just like being here!” Petey exclaimed.

“Yeah, sure. Maybe call your families and tell them to stay safe. I need to get changed.” I said and stood up.

“Can we make pizza?” Petey asked.

“Sure. But don’t burn anything.” I said and began walking towards the stairs.

I heard giggling behind me and turned to see Avalon and Petey laughing.

“You two high?” I asked.

“Nah, but you have a nice ass.” Avalon replied. I looked down and saw my towel had come off and was on the floor. I was standing naked in front of two of my closest friends.

I simply shrugged. “It’s my house.” I said and continued my walk up to my room naked.

Once I got in, I closed my bedroom door and tried to not break down. This is all so much, just because I loved a boy. Ant might lose his brother and people are going to get hurt, or worse.


<3 goodbye loves!

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