15. Ms. Bella Again

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Michael’s POV

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Michael’s POV

I normally don’t walk so gleefully, but today is different. After my incredible date with Antonio, it’s like the world is irrelevant. I jumped in my step, a stupid smile on my face.

I knocked on the door of an old family friend. Ever since she moved to the west side, we stopped talking and communication was lost. She was a huge help for my parents in some confidential tasks.

“Michael?” The woman said through the door. She opened the door and I was greeted by a small elderly woman. “Oh, Michael! It’s been years! Come in!” Ms. Bella said. She opened the door wide for me to enter.

“Good morning, Ms. Bella.” I said. I leaned down and kissed her cheek. 

“Such a gentleman.” She cooed. Ms. Bella led me to her kitchen where she made me sit. “Are you hungry?” She asked. “I just finished baking cookies.” Ms. Bella held out a tray of cookies. I nodded my head.

“How’s the west side treating you?” I asked her. Her small body sat in front of me. “I hope they haven’t been hurting you.” I said, putting emphasis on the they.

“Michael!” She gasped. “No! The west has been very kind.” She said. I realized what I had said.

“I’m sorry, ma’am. I didn’t mean to say that.” I said. I stared at Ms. Bella’s glasses that hung on her neck. They kind of reminded me of Antonio’s glasses the he sometimes wears at school that others make fun of him for.

“What brings you here? You usually ignore the west side unless you’re here to cause some mischief.” She said and squinted her eyes at me.

“No mischief. I’m just here to catch up with you.” I said.

“Hmm.” Ms. Bella said. She looked like she was thinking of something.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. I began to sweat a bit feeling nervous.

“I can’t put my finger on it,” Ms. Bella leaned forward to get a closer look at me. “But you’re acting very differently.” She began to suck her teeth.

“Differently? How?” I asked and tried not to give myself away.

“I just can’t figure it out.” Her glare began to burn into me. “You never come to the west side willingly. Always following that fool Jack!”

After a tension filled atmosphere, she jolted up.

“You’re in love!” Her face lit up. “So who is she?” Ms. Bella asked. For a moment I thought she may have caught me. But I guess nope, cause she even saw my hesitation.

“Who is he?” She stated simply. I choked on my food.

“He? What makes you say that?!” I asked. No doubt my face was red, not making my case any better.

“Come on, Michael. I watched you grow up. I knew that you never enjoyed being a Jewel. You hated it. I babysat you for many nights while your parents had to travel. I know you.” She said.

I planted my head on the table. More like slammed my head. I sighed and tried not to cry.

“I thought I could keep it a secret.” I muttered.

“Michael, look at me.” She said. I slowly looked up at her. “I don’t care who you like. I always believed love is love. But I want you to be safe out there.” She moved and sat next to me. She rubbed my back softly which calmed me.

“It gets worse, ma’am.” I sighed out. 

“How so?” Her soft voice calmed me.

“He’s a west sider.” 

“Is it Antonio?” She asked. I perked up and stared at her.

“Y-Yes. How did you know?” I asked.

“Antonio came to me too a few days ago. Poor thing broke down because he didn’t want either of you to get hurt.” Ms. Bella comforted me. 

“What do I do? I know I love him but no one will understand I don’t even think they care about me being queer. But the fact that he’s a Saint.” I said. A somber feeling overtook me.

“My advice, Michael,” She shifted and sat closer to me. “Hold onto him. Don’t let go. I have never seen you care for someone so much before. I can tell this boy makes you feel these great things. So, don’t let him go.” She said.

“I promise, ma’am.”

“Your love can overcome anything. Just make sure you stay cautious. Not just for you but for Antonio.” She said. I nodded, determined to keep her words.

“And Michael.” Her voice sounded very serious. “Don’t you dare hurt Antonio.” She warned me.

“I would never hurt him.” Because Lord knows I wouldn’t.


bye! i love you all!


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