* ˚ ✦ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟒 : 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐬

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* ˚ ✦ day n°24 : it's christmas eve

here comes santa close - gene autry
0: 53 ───〇─── 2:30
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

warning none
age 4


⸺ ⧗ ⸺

Tonight was a special night because it was Christmas Eve and tomorrow morning, the living room will be filled with presents.

Putting you to bed was always a struggle... but on Christmas Eve?! It was practically impossible. Natasha tried everything to calm you down.

Warm milk, calm activities, a warm bath... nothing worked. She was still up at 10:30pm with a overexcited child.

But at some point she had to put you to bed, whether you were tired or not. She figured that once you would be laying down, you'd get sleepy and finally give up. But will you?

"Goodnight Y/n. Sweet dreams." Natasha kissed your forehead one last time and finished tucking you in. She read you two stories and sang, nothing worked again but she wanted to go to bed herself so.

"And remember, be a good girl and stay in bed. No trying to capture Santa like last year. He was nice last year and let you have all your presents, but I am sure he won't be as nice if you do it again. You don't want to be on the naughty list, do you?"

You shook your head quickly, "Night night mama."

You watched as she walked out and closed the door behind her. She sent one last kiss your way when her eyes caught yours and finally left you alone.

You waited a bit. You knew if Natasha heard anything coming from your room, she would come back.

It's now been an hour since Natasha put you to bed, or so she thought. In reality you were just perfecting your plan of actions. You see, this Christmas you had the same goal as the last one. You wanted to catch Santa. So, with the help of Mr Button, your sidekick, you finalised everything.

It was a stepped up from last year that's for sure and you were confident that tonight, you would finally catch him.

"Mr Button are you ready?" You whispered when you heard the Avengers bid each other goodnight in the hallway.

"Okay our very own special mission can finally begin but first lets check we have everything." You went under your bed and took out your backpack you hid under the mattress. "Torch, check. Backpack, check. Ropes, check. Camera, check. Tape, got it... okay we have everything, let's go!"

Getting all this material wasn't that complicated when you lived in the Avengers Compound. And yes, maybe now they'll be more careful where they leave their stuff.

You grabbed Mr Button and held him close to your chest. You tiptoed to the door and listened. You didn't want to get caught by anyone, especially Natasha.

This was your very first mission, and you wanted to be like your mama. You didn't want to get caught before it even started.

When you established the coast was clear, you slowly and as quietly as possible opened the door and stepped out of the room

"Shhh stay quiet Mr Button."

You turned on the flashlight and tiptoed further into the hallway, surprised you didn't get caught yet.

You made it to the living room in no time, the whole place was dark and quiet. Only light from the outside would light up the room a little. No one was in sight... perfect.

Out of your backpack you took out pieces of ropes that you taped to the wall at strategic locations, which meant everyone possible entry to the living room.

Now, if he tried to get in he'd trip and you will finally see him.

You sat down on the couch, and pulled out the camera out of your bag. The last step of your plan has just begun... you had to stay awake.

Obviously you that didn't work out the way you wanted. You lost your fight against tiredness and you let your eyelids close, falling into deep sleep.

Morning came and Natasha couldn't find you in her room. It was past 8am, it was a miracle when you woke her up later than that. So imagine her surprised when you were nowhere to be seen on Christmas Morning.

She rushed out of her room and checked into yours. Maybe you were still sleeping, especially since you stayed up way past your bed time last night.

Natasha found your bed undone and you weren't there, neither was Mr Button and you didn't go anywhere without that thing.

The next logical place you would be was the living room. She ran down the stairs and tripped. She fell face first on the floor.


When she turned around and noticed the rope, she knew. You did it again. She looked on every couch and armchairs, there was a blanket laying on one of them with a camera but still no you.

"She's right here." A voice said and Natasha turned around. Wanda was behind her, holding you in her arms, still asleep.

"I found her on one of the couch when I came down to... you know." Wanda gestured to the presents now under the tree. "I thought I found all her little traps but apparently not. Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

"No no I'm fine. I can't believe she did it again though. Damn she's gonna be the death of me." Natasha lifted you out of Wanda's arms and into her own. The younger of the two went back to the kitchen to finish breakfast whilst you just cuddled up to your mama.

"Mama." You whined as you stirred awake a few minutes later.

"It's me Y/n." You looked up and saw Natasha already looking down. She kissed your forehead and you just went back hiding into her chest. "Good morning sleepyhead."

"Where's Santa?" You asked when you remembered last night's adventure. You lifted your head and looked around.


To get a better view, you stood up despite being on Natasha's knees. She held you up as you searched. "You missed him again baby, look." She pointed to the pile of presents under the tree and your face fell. Your lips began to quivers and your eyes began to water.

"No, no tears. It's okay. You did such a good job though. It's okay."

AUTHOR'S NOTEhere's a cute little one for youto those who celebrate, happy christmas eve 🤍do you open presents on the 24th or the 25th?we do the 25th bc my great grandma is turning 100 today so

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here's a cute little one for you
to those who celebrate, happy christmas eve 🤍
do you open presents on the 24th or the 25th?
we do the 25th bc my great grandma is turning 100 today so...

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