* ˚ ✦ 𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐥 𝟐

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* ˚ ✦ when natasha found out she was pregnant, she created an email address for her child. she sends emails every now and then and will only give the password to y/n once she's 18.

tears of joy - michael giacchino
0:42 ─〇───── 3:39
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

warning none
age newborn


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Hello World
from Natasha Romanoff <natasha.romanoff@gmail.com>
to me ▼

Welcome to the world.
My first. My only.
You made me a mom.

Before you even entered the world, you were anticipated, loved, cherished, and wanted. Now that I can hold you in my arms, those feelings have multiplied tenfold.

I look at you with complete wonder, melt with each coo you make, and fall deeper in love every time you rest your tiny head on my chest. You are actually mine, my perfect gift from life.

When I found out I was pregnant with you I was shocked, excited, terrified, overjoyed, and timid. As the 9 months went on, I'll be honest, there were times that I thought to myself, am I ready for this? What if I'm not good enough? What if I can't do all the things I like to do anymore?

Well, the 9 months flew by. They were hard. You wouldn't stop kicking me in the rib. I was exhausted. Then, the day finally came that you came into this world. It was 6am on the dot and I was asleep. Somehow, I knew this week it would be happening though. I thought you'd make your debut yesterday and my water broke early this morning-I like to think you knew I was waiting for you this week, we were both ready to meet each other.

My water broke as I was laying in bed...I immediately woke up and went and stood in the shower, shaking like I was standing in freezing cold water, even though it was burning hot. I was terrified. Then 15 hours later the time came, they said it was time to start getting you out of my belly! I looked over at your auntie with tears in my eyes and said, "I'm so scared." 2 more hours of the worst pain I've ever experienced... and there you were! I waited for what felt like eternity for the nurses to hand you to me. But when they did, you looked right at me with your big eyes and just stared at me for what felt like forever.

Time stood still for the first time in my life. I completely lost it, happy tears came down my face. I just cried and cried and held you like nothing else in the world mattered. The pregnancy pain and exhaustion no longer mattered, the pain I just went through, although still very present, was somewhere lost in the back of my head. The stress of carrying you, and bringing you into this world went out the door. All that mattered was you were here, you were beautiful, even more perfect than I could ever have imagined and happy.

Time stood still as I held you on my chest and blissful tears rolled down my face. The same way it will when you start your first day of kindergarten or go off to college (or whatever you choose to do).

But for now, I'm soaking in the sweetness of lullabies at 2am and the vision of you in the crook of my arms. How you drift to sleep as I walk around the house, reading from random books on the shelf so you learn to feel safe with my voice.

I am so excited to teach you to wave and hug, to watch you open your stocking on Christmas morning, to pull a stool up to the counter and bake cookies together, to witness you chasing your auntie's puppy while giggling uncontrollably... but it can all wait.

You won't be my little girl forever, but you will always be mine.


AUTHOR'S NOTEmore emails coming soon :)

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more emails coming soon :)

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