* ˚ ✦ 𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐥 𝟒

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* ˚ ✦ when natasha found out she was pregnant, she created an email address for her child. she sends emails every now and then and will only give the password to y/n once she's 18.

so this is love (french version) - cinderella
1:14 ────〇── 1:35
⇄◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

warning none
age one month old


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My one-month-old little светлячок.
from Natasha Romanoff <natasha.romanoff@gmail.com>
to me ▼

Today, you are one month old! I can't believe it- it has been the fastest month of my life. You came into this world and completed my family. Your sweet nature is a joy to be around. Since day one, you have been a relaxed, happy-go-lucky baby. You only cry if you're starving or your binky happens to drop out of your mouth.

I simply cannot believe it's been a month since the doctor put your tiny warm body on my chest and I experienced the meaning of love at first sight. That overwhelming love I felt has intensely multiplied. You are so beautiful and seeing you grow every day is one of the biggest joys I have ever experienced. Your smell is divine and soft, I hope I never forget the sweet scent.

When you were born, I was surprised by the amount of thick, red hair you had. Your first cries were music to my ears. You took to nursing like a pro. We were a match made for each other from the beginning.

I have learned so much in just this short amount of time. It took me a few days to figure out how to comfortably hold you and put you in your car seat. The first few days you were home, waking you up at night to eat was like a party in our bedroom. I talked to you, stared at you, and planted an abundance of kisses on your chubby cheeks.

One of my favourite things has been watching you look around and take in the world. You open your eyes wide and scan your surroundings. I always wonder what you're thinking. For the first 3 weeks of your life, you slept a lot and woke up only to eat and then went right back to a peaceful slumber. But in the past week, you've spent much more time with your eyes wide open, taking in your new world. Nothing phases you: from auntie Yelena's overprotective dog Fanny barking, to your mama's colleagues being crazy.

I will never forget the moments when you were just days old that I was able to comfort you for the first time. I held you, rocked you and sang you to sleep. These moments make me so happy. I have felt sadness, too, as I realize these days of your newborn stage are numbered. I am not ready for you to grow so quickly.

You are finally starting to fit into and fill size newborn clothes, and the bows are just now fitting on your head. It has been so much fun for us to dress you up. Pictures of you are deceiving because your cheeks are so chubby. When many people see you, they can't believe how tiny you are. But you're growing so quickly.

Getting to know you during your first month has been truly remarkable. You have brought so much joy into my life, and becoming your mom has brought me so much fulfilment. Your little personality is shining more and more, and you have a spark to you! I cherish you, my sweet girl.

You are a pearl in everyday life. My one-month-old little светлячок that gives me so much without even knowing. I'm trying to give you everything I can in love, and I know you're giving it back to me.

A smile from you and a battery she is recharged. You are a vitamin, a drug that I cannot get enough of.

Thank you for being a dream baby.

Your first month has been wonderful. I can't wait for us to do so many fun mother/daughter things in the future, but I wish I could push the slow-down button on life right now. You are growing up too fast...

I'll love you always,

AUTHOR'S NOTEthese are my favourite to write at the moment

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these are my favourite to write at the moment

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