* ˚ ✦ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟔 : 𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐲

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* ˚ ✦ day n°16 : yn and natasha going to a christmas market

i wish it could be christmas every day - wizzard
1:29 ──〇──── 4:38
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

warning none
age 9


⸺ ⧗ ⸺

Today was your last day of school. The very last day before your winter break and you couldn't sit still on your chair as your teacher went on and on about some random piece of information they were telling her class.

You just waited for the bell to ring, so you could run outside and jump into Natasha's arms.

Those last five minutes were the longest ones of your life. Time was going so slowly as you stared at the clock on your classroom's wall.

Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock tick-to–

The bell rung and you jumped up. You quickly said bye to your friends and ran out the school; You looked around to find your mom, you spotted her waiting at her usual spot. You ran and let your body collide with her as her arms held you tightly.

"How was your day baby?" She asked, as she always does after she spends the day away from you.

"Boring but better now!!" You groaned as she released you from the hug with the chuckle. You shrugged your backpack off the shoulder as Natasha extended her hand for it and wore it over one of her shoulder, the bag swinging freely. You hated that she could do that, and yet was forbidding you from doing the same as it would be bad for your back.

"Oh that's nice then. Now come on let's get going. Mama's has a surprise for yooooou." She grabbed your hand and dragged you along with her down the street.

"What is it?"

"Well if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" She booped your nose as you pouted, trying to make her cave. But your mama being the infamous black widow, it would take her more to cave.

So, you skipped along her as you both made conversation. You talked about what you did in school, and how mean your teacher was for giving you "tons" of homework during the holidays. "Are we there yet?" You questioned mid-sentenced as you two stopped at a red-light.

"No." She laughed, and you continued your sentence like nothing happened.

"Are we there yet?" You asked again and again and again and again and... you get the idea.

"We need to work on your patience little one." Natasha grumbled, answering you one more time.

You made it to the surprise a couple of minutes alter. Natasha was surprised you didn't figure it out, she thought you would notice the familiar street, but you were just too cut up in your story that you didn't notice you were standing in front of a christmas market. Natasha and to nudge you, so you'd pay attention to her. You looked up at her, and she nodded in front of her. You jaw dropped. "Woooooow."

You had been relentlessly begging her to take you to the Christmas market since it started early November, but she was too busy with work. Now that Fury had decided to reduce the work load, she thought today would be the perfect opportunity. "Yeah wow. I thought we could do something special for your last day of school and for the start of the holidays. What do you say?"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." You jumped up and down, and into her arms. When you deemed you had hugged for long enough, you let her go and grabbed her hand and tugged on it. "Come on mama!"

But Natasha was stronger, so you didn't budge. "Hey, we're just gonna go over a few rules okay? No running away from mama okay? There's gonna be a lot of people and I don't want you to get lost. No talking to strangers–"

"Blablabla, I know the rest mama, but I'll just hold your hand. Can we go now?" You interrupted her. You had enough, and you knew the rules. You just wanted to go, so you tugged and tugged on her arm until Natasha decided to start moving.

You moved slowly around the market, stopping almost at each stand. You looked at the wooden toys they sell, others sold candies, and others sold pieces of the nativity. They really had anything and everything.

You spotted a ferries wheel, and you just had to get on it. Natasha bought the tickets, deciding that today she would agree to anything you wanted, within reason of course. After all, you deserved it after the last few weeks of hard work.

The view from up there was amazing, you could see over the entire market but also the few landmarks that were around. The landscape was truly amazing.

You did give Natasha quite scare as you wiggles around to make sure you saw everything. But as you were still tiny, she was scared you'd end up falling.

"Mama, I'm hungry..." You whined after your stumble rumbled. Natasha looked around for another food stand, and being the pick eater that you were she had to find something you'd eat with no problems.

"Alright then, how does a hot dog sound?" She asked you as she finally spotted you'd eat.

"And then dessert?"

"Sure baby." You didn't even have to muster the best puppy eyes for her to agree, today was literally the best day ever. She paid and handed you one of the hot dog she got and watched as your eyes lit up at the sight of food.  "Here you go baby."

You dug in without wasting any second and Natasha watched in horror as the sauce dripped on your fingers. She was already asking for 10 more napkins. You found a quiet spot to eat, taking a break from your busy afternoon, just enough time to regain energy.

Promises are made to be kept, and just like she said Natasha let you picked whatever you wanted for dessert. And you had many things to choose from... Did you beignets? Or did you want churros to dip in chocolate?

The churros ended winning this time and you and Nat had a wonderful time enjoying the sugary goodness.

The day ended with the purchase of a hot chocolate for you, and some mulled wine for Nat that you thought smelled nasty. "Can I try?"

"You won't like it." She told you, but curiosity got the best of you, and you took a very small sip out of her cup. Your face crunched up immediately at the taste, and you gulped down a bit of your hot cocoa to wash out the taste. "Told you." Natasha laughed as you glared.

You took one last stroll around as dinner time was nearing. Without realizing you has spent almost four hours there and fatigue began to catch up with you.

"Remember when you used to beg me to let you ride this?" She asked as you walked past a merry go around as you were leaving the market to get home. You used to love this carousel when you were younger, but as a nine-year old you just ha no interest in it any more. "You were so small, my little baby." She pinched your cheeks as she cooed over you.


God sometimes she was embarrassing, but you wouldn't trade her for the world.

AUTHOR'S NOTEfinals are finally over and im finally on my break!!i cannot wait to catch up on some sleep and do nothing all day

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finals are finally over and im finally on my break!!
i cannot wait to catch up on some sleep and do nothing all day...
i woke up at 3:30am today and idk how im still standing honestly
hope you enjoyed
alexis :)

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