Chapter 24: Snow day

Comenzar desde el principio

" what a convenient excuse, April" Leo smirked.

I snickered " yah! I can't believe you would do that" I teased her.

" yeah! I can't believe you would weaponize snow just to prove your flag is better than ours" Raph said.

I rolled my eyes and snickered " oh, god" I couldn't help but laugh at this petty argument.

" glad to hear you agree our flag is better" Donnie said.

Mikey scooted next to him " our flag eats your flag's lunch money for breakfast".

They then went up against each other and looked up at me and I rolled my eyes " I'm not apart of this".

They then chuckled and declared a snowball fight and i shrugged " eh, I can get behind this".

" Last player standing gets to fly their team's flag" Raph declared.

April smirked " Okay. We're up for a friendly game. No safe base, no weapons—No mercy!".

I chuckled and put a thumbs up " heh, love that".

" and no ice balls, no slush slappers, no horse hoppers, pepper poppers, liberty launchers, downtown hammers" Mikey was listing all the no-no stuff while Leo was writing it down.

"Dream hackers, thrashers, no Freddie Prinze Juniors, *clears throat* no corked snowballs of any kind. We aren't savages".

Raph turned to me " what team are you on, Fluff?".

I shook my head " I'm on no team, I'll just watch".

Leo held my claws " you doing alright?".

I nodded " y-yeah, don't worry about me, I'll just ruin your fun".

I saw the concerned looks on Raph and Leo and I kissed Leo and patted Raph's cheeks " Please, I'll be fine".

Raph smirked and nodded his head and hugged me " feel better".

They went to their places and I just stood by a tree close by them.

Raph smirked " Ready...set...snow".

They all hit each other with snow balls, and we're having a super fun time...without me... I quickly wiped the tears I felt stinging on my face.

Then raph called a break and we were having hot coco and I sat in Leo's lap and his chin was on my shoulder.

" You got me good back there, Donnie, but the game ain't over yet" Raph said.

"Yes, but when it is my team's flag will grace our statue and wave like a queen to her subjects" Donnie bragged.

"How elegant" I said.

We heard a scream, then Mikey falling in the snow.

" Mikey?" Raph asked concerned.

Mikey did a happy pose " Snow day hooray, baby!".

" Dude, that was incredible! What was your hang time? Like, two, maybe three sequences?" Leo asked.

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