Dad stood outside with a blank look on his face, "Just turn around and head home, Meliodas. Ali chose Zel, they're happy. You have Elizabeth. Just go home before you fuck up again," he muttered to himself. We could all see his hands clenched in fists, he was shaking as if it was extremely difficult for him to make this decision. He grimaced and looked ashamed when he whispered, "Damn it..." and walked into the castle.

Uncle Zel was staring at Dad dumbfounded, Dad didn't want to look at him. "Brother...why did you never say anything? Why didn't you let me see this through our bond?" Uncle Zel asked Dad quietly. Dad rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "I didn't think you'd believe me and I didn't want to fight with you anymore than we already had...and then I didn't want you to feel guilty or anything about what was said, so I just didn't let that one be shared," he responded just as quietly. Uncle Zel frowned and stared at Dad for a few moments before finally moving, making Amaimon and I gasp a little as he hugged Dad tightly. They didn't say anything but I knew they were speaking telepathically by the looks on their faces. Amaimon and I smiled softly at each other, we had an awesome relationship and we knew our Dads both wanted that with each other but were too stubborn to talk about it. We suddenly saw Mom and Dad walk out of their bedroom, they both looked so happy and the love between them was obvious when they looked at one another.

"I saw Azriel has my old room," Dad commented as we walked out. Mom chuckled, "He insisted on moving to your room when we came back from Britannia. He's been practicing Full Counter every single day since then. I'd say he's probably better than you at this point," Mom elbowed his ribs as they walked. They headed to the servants' quarters, "Is there somewhere we're going?" Dad asked. We heard a baby giggling from behind the door, making us smile. They walked into the room, Dad directly behind Mom. Xena turned around and grinned, handing Mom Amaimon. "Lord Meliodas! When did you arrive?!" she looked at Mom shocked and horrified she hadn't informed her he'd be visiting or if she had forgotten. "Relax Xena, he just showed up out of the blue," Mom reassured her before turning around. Dad's eyes widened at Amaimon then looked up at Mom, "Mel, meet your youngest nephew, Amaimon." Mom handed him to Dad, who was still shocked. "He's 3 months old, I was only 3 months along when I saw you last. I learned from Merlin about him the day we left," Mom informed him.

"We all knew except Meliodas that Asta was going to be born, we just didn't know when...I was so angry and didn't want to believe Iseldis' vision was going to come true. Ali had been upset when she found out, but looking at her right here...Asta, she was only ever upset because she felt guilty for hurting me by being with my brother. Look how happy she is, how much love is in her eyes when she looks at him. I was blinded by jealousy and fear she'd leave me for anger is why she was so unhappy the first few months she was pregnant with you and I regret it every single day. After your Mom did the Force Revival with us, like you guys know we can feel each other's emotions. That includes when we recall memories. Your Mom was ecstatic when she found out about Iseldis' vision, ecstatic you were going to be born. It hurt to feel that for a brief second but feeling all the love between my brother and made sense to me and I didn't feel hurt or jealous or angry anymore. I'm happy he was there for her while I was sealed. I'm happy she fell for him, she was the reason I got my brother back. were wanted before you were even made. You're loved just as much as Az, Nini, and Amai. You always have been, and that includes by me," Uncle Zel's words had me in tears and looking at Mom with Dad in this moment, I believed every word he said. I hugged him tightly, "Thanks Uncle Zel, I love you too," I choked out.

"He looks just like Zeldris too. The one red eye one green eye is pretty neat. I like the white streaks in your hair, little man," Dad grinned at him as Amaimon grabbed onto his hair with his tiny hands. "Maimai is the happiest baby I've ever seen, he's always smiling and giggling," Mom grinned, poking his little nose. "So he's the opposite of Zeldris, got it," Dad giggled.

The scene changed and Amaimon was older now, Mom looked like she was about to pop.

"Maimai, will you let Momma put you down for two seconds so I can go to the bathroom?" Mom asked him, he looked at her with wide eyes. "Zel, take him for me, please," Mom asked Uncle Zel, he was talking with Xena about birthday party plans for my brother. He grinned and picked him up from Mom's arms, Amaimon immediately started squirming. "Amai, come on! Let's see if you like icing," he chuckled, taking him over to the kitchen.

"What was my problem?" Amaimon asked, grinning as he watched himself squirm in Uncle Zel's arms. "You've been attached to your Mom your entire life but when she was pregnant with Asta you didn't want anyone else but her to the point where no one else could hold you without you whining and squirming," Uncle Zel giggled, "It was like you knew you weren't gonna be the baby any longer and had to get all your time in. Not that it mattered, you both hung all over her after Asta was born anyway." I grinned, Amaimon and I really did always hang on Mom and now Rin did. "Did Azy hang on Mom all the time like us and Rin?" I asked Uncle Zel, he grinned. "Definitely. Your Mom is Az's best friend, always has been."

Dad helped Mom stand up, "Mel, I can stand up by myself. I'm not ancient I'm just pregnant," she said, irritated. "You're not just pregnant you're 9 months pregnant so I'd rather you not hurt yourself," he commented as he followed her, making her huff. "Deal with it, you could go into labor anytime. You've been around Zel too long, so stubborn," he giggled. "You're not coming in the bathroom with me," she said, shutting the door in his face. "Mel! He's coming!" we heard Mom yell suddenly to him outside the door. He basically broke the door down and picked her up bridal style without saying a word, carrying her to a nearby bed.

"Hey look it's me!" I exclaimed, Mom was holding me on her chest with Dad and Uncle Zel on either side of her after I'd just been born.

Mom started crying, "He's so beautiful," she murmured, stroking my hair. "He is...What's his name?" Uncle Zel asked, looking at me proudly. "Zel, meet Astaroth. Mel, here. You should hold him now," Mom handed me to Dad. He took me carefully, so carefully as if he was afraid he'd hurt me. It made Uncle Zel and Mom laugh. Dad grinned down at me, tears streaming down his cheeks, "He looks just like me!" They giggled at him again. "Hi Asta...I'm your Daddy..." he said softly to me, I was staring up at him. Uncle Zel kissed Mom then walked over to Dad, "Can I?" he asked. We could see the reluctance in Dad's face as he handed me over to his brother. "Hey little man, welcome to the family. You're gonna have a lot of fun with your siblings, I know it. I know I'm technically your Uncle, but you can think of me as a second Dad if you'd like," his voice was as sweet as honey. Uncle Zel gave me a kiss on my forehead, then handed me back to Dad, "You're gonna do fine. Listen to my advice and everything will be great," he told him quietly.

I had tears in my eyes watching the exchange, they all did truly look so happy. Dad ruffled my hair, "Right after this I handed you over to Xena and then passed out from being so tired, Zel had to put me in bed," he giggled then looked at me lovingly. "That day was one of the happiest days of my life, Asta. Same goes for your Mom," he grinned at me. "And me," Uncle Zel chimed in. The scene changed and they grinned, looking at my brother and I. "What?" Amaimon asked them, "You're about to meet your best friend," Uncle Zel told him.

Mom was in bed when Uncle Zel walked in the door with Amaimon and handed him to her, "Happy birthday Maimai! We got you a baby brother!" He giggled happily then got quiet as Dad walked in with me. "Maimai, meet Astaroth. He's your baby brother," Mom said sweetly, watching Amaimon. He was mesmerized by me, I was asleep in Dad's arms. Amaimon babbled quietly reaching his little hands out at me, making our parents laugh. Dad brought me closer so my brother could see me better. Amaimon touched my hair gently, our parents were enamored watching him interact with me.

"Amai, you pulled everyone's hair relentlessly but you seemed to know that Asta needed to be handled gently, it was really sweet to watch," Uncle Zel told my brother then he turned to me. "I hope you finally believe us now, Asta," he grinned at me.

Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now