4.1 Disclosure of the identity of an enemy or an ally

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Don't neglect your enemies: they are the first to notice your mistakes.


On behalf of Ayanokoji

Nanase leaned on a big tree. Slowly massaging her head, Nanase came to feelings. I stood on top and watched her.

- Nanase, how are you?

- X-All right.

She exhausted her endurance.

It's going to rain soon, but I stood and waited for Nanase.

According to her, she wanted to defeat me and kick me out so that she could meet this man and make him kneel down and apologize.

It was stupid that she was hoping for that. This man will never apologize to others.

«Excuse me, sempai,» she said.

- Nothing. You got mad at me because of a misunderstanding. This often happens to others.

- In fact, I contacted one person at this school. He said he would help on this exam to kick you out. He created this plan. He came up with a plan to the smallest detail. Even created a backup plan in case you can avoid the main one.

Reserve plan? Does it mean that a White Room student contacted her? It all comes down to that. He knew that the first plan would fail and therefore created a second reserve.

That's why I felt someone's presence then. In fact, this plan with Nanase was a distraction. The basic plan was not that. He planned to shoot all this.

- Did he contact you?

- Yes. We met on the first day holiday. That's when he spoke to me for the first time.

So here it is.

- His name was...

- Shhh, Nanase-chan. Don't be such a bitch.

Before she had time to finish, she was killed.

I heard someone's voice from behind. And I already understood that this man was Amasawa from first class A.

- What? What are you doing here?

Nanase got up abruptly and looked at her with her eyes full of hatred.

- I walked here, nothing more. But I have a counter question. Why are you acting mean?

- Mean?

- Ayanokoji-sempai, it doesn't concern you.

- What do you mean? - Nanase asked.

I noticed a long stick in Amasawa's hands. With such a stick, you can cut down a person. It was strange that she was holding a stick.

Nanase looked cautiously again. Noticing this, Amasava said:

- Why are you so wary? Maybe because of a stick in your hands? If so, here, - with these words, Amasawa threw a stick under our feet.

This proved that she did not come with evil intentions. But Nanase's alertness was inexplicable.

Amasawa began to come close, as Nanase stood in front of me. Opening her hands wide, she stared at Amasawa. When she saw it, she just smiled and said:

- Nanase-chan, why do you treat me so badly?

- You... You don't deserve trust.

- I'm nice enough to trust, aren't I?

There is hardly any affection between trust and cuteness.

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