3.4.5 Escape from the clutches of the enemy

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From the third person

The fourth day of the exam. Everyone passes the exam according to their own tactics, according to their own idea, but they are all connected in a sense.

Nanase Tsubasa walked along the path, heading to her zone. In fact, her zone is not her goal, but another.

She was watching the guy, watching him. Of course, she hid quite well, so no one expects her to follow him.

She also came up with a good reason to meet this man.

Her plan has already been drawn up. The main problem is the beginning of the plan.

She already agreed with one guy who was supposed to help her. She was waiting for a connection with this guy to give instructions.

As soon as she took another step, she immediately heard someone calling her.

- Nanase-chan.

She turned around to see the man who called her.

When she turned around, she saw two 1-A class girls.

Amasawa Ichika from 1-A, as well as Yanagizawa Shizuka from 1-A.

- what do you need?

Nanase lost sight of her goal, distracted by Amasawa with Yanagizawa.

- We wanted to discuss with you what you want to do in the near future.

They both chuckled. Their crooked smile with bare fangs said they were going to do something that would prevent Nanase.

Of course, Nanase understood it and even took a rack.

- What do you need? - Nanase asked again, but this time with a more serious tone.

Her eyes look like an eagle that watched her prey without blinking for a second.

Watching the hands, legs, face, as well as the whole body of two girls, Nanase realized that they were not going to attack.

- I heard that you're going to do something with Ayanokoji-sempa. Isn't that bad, eh, Nanase-chan? - Amasawa asked playfully.

- It's not for you to talk about it.

- Hee-hee, that's right, not me. But Yanagizawa-chanu can be done, right? She didn't do anything against Ayanokoji-sempai.

- It doesn't matter. I repeat what you need.

«What's so evil, Nanase-chan, we want to talk to you,» Yanagizawa said.

- And I don't want to.

- But who told you that you decided? - Yanaizawa asked. Amasawa could only laugh at Yanagizawa's words.

Nanase didn't say anything to this statement.

- I don't plan anything against Ayanokoji-sempai.

- Oh, right? Then why have you been following him for a while since the beginning of the exam? We also saw you because our tables are the same,» Amasawa said.

Nanase couldn't answer the words. Her bloodthirst prevented her from thinking in cold blood. After a while, one thought occurred to her, and she voiced it:

- I'm in love... with Ayanokoji-sempai.

Two girls could only laugh in front of her.

- Me too, can we see together, Nanase-chan? - Amasawa replied to her statement.

- And I want to exclude Ayanokoji-sempai, so I'll be next to you. Anyway, the three of us are in love with him,» Yanagizawa said.

Nanase could only breathe a sigh of their behavior and turn off the walkie-talkie.

She thought she didn't turn it off noticeably, but these two noticed a walkie-talkie.

- What are you hiding behind your back? - both asked in unison.

- It's none of your business.

- Maybe you're hiding a walkie-talkie? - Amasawa asked.

- No.

- Then we'll find out right now.

With these words, Yanagizawa and Amasawa quickly approached Nanase. With sharp movements, they grabbed Nanase's two hands.

Taking the walkie-talkie from Nanase's hand, Amasawa turned it on and said:

- *Reception, who's in touch? *

There is no answer.

- *Reception, reception. *

There is no answer.

- Hahaha, my God, it looks like the person on the other side of the radio is pretty smart. He realized it pretty quickly, didn't he? Or maybe Nanase-chan surrendered us? - Amasawa asked with a cunning smile.

She was just playing with Nanase.

- Let me go.

- And what are you going to do next? You know you can't beat Ayanokoji-sempai.

- Even if so, I'll do my best.

Nanase was on the verge of collapse. She took the last chance to get out of their paws when suddenly...

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