3.4 Beginning of the end

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Beginning of the end

Rarely are enemies through no fault of their own.

P. Boast


From the third person

The third day of the exam on the island. In this exam, everyone came up with their own tactics. Everyone has their own methods derived from experience, practices.

At some point, a girl named Nanase Tsubasa was walking along the path, walking to her zone. Nothing unusual, but no one, not even herself, knew what would happen next.

- Hi, Nanase-chan.

Someone's voice was heard behind her, calling her.

Looking back, she saw Amasawa Ichik from 1-A.

- What do you need? - Nanase asked in combat readiness. She didn't trust her. Especially after Hosen and Amasawa teamed up a couple of months ago to exclude Ayanokoji-sempai.

After this incident, Ayanokoji-sempai had a scar on his arm.

The incident affected her too much, and she realized that Amasawa was not the one you could trust.

- Well, why is it so cruel, Nanase-chan? Am I unworthy of gentle treatment?

Amasawa's ridicule was no longer something unusual.

- Tell me what you need.

- Ti-hee~ Okay, I'll tell you how it is. They will be excluded from this exam.

- Yes, I've heard about it. Now I don't care about them.

- Why is it so cruel? Am I not worth your trust at all? Hee-hee~, I'll tell you one thing. It's all Yagami-kun.

Amasawa ran abruptly aside, from which Nanase got into a stupor. She didn't understand why Amasawa came, said something stupid and left.

- She's strange... Stand?!

She came up with an idea and began to understand what Amasawa meant.

- I don't trust her, and I don't trust Yagami either. Both are not the people you can trust. But the gears in my head began to rotate, and I understood the overall picture.

She thought about this monologue.

Part 1

On behalf of Ayanokoji

This is the third day of the exam. A lot has happened during this time. Students of the first year of study caused chaos from the first day of the exam. Yanagizawa asked her to help. She doesn't seem to trust Yagami and thinks Yagami is guilty.

All these problems were not with me, but with them.

Personally, I believe that this whole situation flies next to me, not directly with me. I had nothing in common. But even in this case, students of the first year of study hold on very well.

I can't imagine my classmates if Horikita is suddenly expelled.

Although, of course, there is a chance that Horikita can be excluded.

White Room student, if he wants, delete him. At least he will try to exclude. The only reason is a connection with me. He or she specifically excludes Horikita so that I can't hide.

Although this result is extremely undesirable. Even them.

It's stupid to explain the reasons to myself in my thoughts, and that's why I don't want to think about it.

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