Epilogue - Volume 1

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A lot of things have happened this month. If you start out of order, you can easily get confused in the timeline.

When I moved to the second year of study, it all started. The problems fell like sand from an hourglass. But even if I temporarily stopped the flow of problems, this does not mean that they will no longer exist. It's just that everything will become more complicated and added in the future.

It came the first of May. On this day, the results of the written exam will be announced. I scored the perfect 100 points in mathematics. In other subjects, I scored 65-75 points each.

Chabashira Sensei published the results, and we tested them on our tablets. Everyone checked their results. I think there will be something bad now, I really feel it.

- Um... Isn't that a joke?» said Okitani.

- That's right... No one in the class scored any perfect result except Ayanokoji,» said Miyamoto.

Everyone paid attention to me. I think I'm slowly starting to move away from peaceful life, which actually hurts pretty much.

Even Horikita, as well as Casey and Koenji, did not score the perfect score, which alerted even Koenji.

Casey looked straight into my soul through his glasses. I think the others didn't believe their eyes either.

- What? - shouted to Ika.

- What happened? - Yama asked... Sudo.

- Some first year scored 400 points for the test, - said Ike, thereby earning the attention of everyone in the class.

Even I was surprised by it, although I already roughly guess who it is.

I was surprised not by the perfect score, but by the person who scored the perfect score.

If this man is from the White Room, why should he attract attention? I think I can't say exactly what this student thinks.

- Who is it? - Shinohara asked.

- Yagami Takuya from 1-B...

«You can expect it,» said Onodera.

During the lesson, everyone sat quietly, although from time to time everyone looked at me, throwing surprised glances.

At the end of the lesson, Casey approached me.

- Kiyotaka-kun, can I have you? - Casey said, coming up to me.

«I'm sorry, Yukimura-kun, I'll take Ayanokoji-kun for a while,» said Horikita and approached my desk.

I just nodded and went out into the corridor with her. When I went out, I noticed strange views directed towards me.

«Well, it was stupid to think I was at your level,» Horikita said, sighing.

«Nothing, Horikita, you also passed well,» I said to support her.

Although she's already good, I think she knows.

«Don't, Ayanokoji-kun, in fact, I didn't even understand the last question,» said Horikita.

I think it's true. Even if Horikita knew the questions of third-year-year, she still wouldn't get the perfect score.

When we stood and talked with Horikita, I noticed a tense sensei look. She was coming straight to us. Noticing her tense look, Horikita asked:

- Sensei, has something happened?

- Ayanokoji-kun, you are called by interim director Tsukishiro.

«All right, I'll come now,» I said. Looking at Horikita, I briefly told her, «We'll talk later.»

After saying goodbye to Horikita, I went next to Sensei.

We walked along a quiet corridor where there was no soul but the two of us. This moment reminded me of the romance from the books I read with Hiyori. The scene is exactly similar. A very strange cliché...

Walking down the corridor, no sound was heard except the sound of our steps.

I don't know how much time has passed, but at some point the sensei broke the silence.

«Congratulate you on the perfect ball, Ayanokoji-kun,» she said. Although her voice was low and rude, she couldn't hide her tension and anxiety.

I walked quietly, right behind her...

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