2.4 Offer from all sides + Epilogue 2 volume

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On behalf of Ayanokoji

It's been a month since the special exam was announced. I still haven't found a partner or an ally. The thing is, I can't put them in a difficult position. Why? It's simple. Given that I was assigned 20 million points for my head, there is an extremely low chance that I will not be hunted. Freshmen, more precisely, «Bow Hunters,» will attack me from all sides. If my allies are put in a difficult position because of me, I will fall into the social hierarchy.

The best solution is to survive without allies.

At the moment, I'm going on the road in hot weather for Koenji, who walks cheerful, even on such days. The aura hanging next to him showed that he was excellent. Many people call it a daffodil, although they can't claim that it's not perfect. To be honest, he's one of the strongest in this school. Even it will be difficult for me to get rid of him. I don't need to make him an opponent, given that he doesn't care about others.

Suddenly, Koenji looked around and said:

- Whoever is there, you can go out...

It looks like he realized that I was following him.

- However, it doesn't matter to me if you come out or not. I'll leave the choice for you, stalker-kun.

Why does he come up with ridiculous nicknames? However, it doesn't matter. I think nothing will happen if I get out of the shadows.

After thinking again, I came out of hiding, and did not notice the surprise on Koenji's face.

- Baby Ayanokoji? What are you doing here? - he asked without much interest.

«I was asked by Horikita to find out what you're planning,» I said.

I didn't tell a lie or the truth. I just said both. I didn't say that.

Koenji came up to me. There was a little alertness on his face, meaning that he was analyzing something or someone. Well, or checks. Maybe this man was me.

- Hmm. Baby Ayanokoji, I don't feel any truth or lies in your words. You hide the truth well. I can't trust people like you.

- I thought you were one of those who wouldn't even trust your father.

- Hahaha. You're funny, baby Ayanokoji. I can trust other people who tell the truth. I'm just not interested in someone else's life. Trust and interest are two different feelings. Even so, I'm interested in you.

- Me? You? I can't believe your words. I don't feel the truth either.

- HA HA HA. Baby Ayanokoji, you're definitely a funny person. Okay, since you were able to see the grandiose laughter of the perfect me, I'll tell you. You scored 100 points in mathematics. You were able to deceive my instincts. That's enough to understand that you're clearly unusual.

That's what it is. So he also collects information. Although no, it looks like I gave him this information.

- Koenji, Horikita has a suggestion for you.

- Baby Ayanokoji, I don't have to listen to you, right?

- That's right. Even if you run away, then Horikita will come up to you herself. Don't you think it's worth getting rid of the problems now?

- Hahaha. I'm not disappointed in you, Baby Ayanokoji. If so, I'll listen to the HORIKITI GIRL's proposal.

Koenji said the last words with ridicule, as if he knew exactly what I was suggesting. I should be more careful with him.

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