1.5 Transactions

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1 part

On behalf of Ayanokoji

I went to the Pallet cafe. Time turned in 12 hours, and I was called by Kohai to tell something. It looks like something important, since he called for a single weekend. What a hassle it is. I've been waiting for him for about 5 minutes.

- Good afternoon, Ayanokoji-sempai.

There was a sound on the right side. I turned around and saw Yagami Takuya from 1-B. He smiled and held out his hand to me as a greeting, as in the CIS countries.

I took his hand, after which he spoke again:

«Let's go through and order something,» he said, and gestured to go to the cafe. There was no need to refuse, so I followed him.

This guy. I didn't even notice his approach, I didn't hear his steps. I didn't even feel the aura when he stood next to him. Suspicious... Although not. It was just crowded, that's why I didn't notice him.

We sat down at the table. He immediately ordered us drinks. I have to be alert, because he can deceive me like last time. During our last meeting, he drank coffee at my expense without even warning me. He's evil himself.

When they brought us food and drinks, he picked up sticks and started eating. Neatly and aristocraticly, as if he were from an influential family of aristocrats.

«Ayanokoji-sempai, eat before it cools down,» he said, looking at me. I picked up sticks and also started eating.

- So, why did you call me? - I asked.

- Well, you know, I've seen a recent incident with your hand,» he said with a sad expression, «I think it will happen more than once. It's time for me to help you. Last time I hinted to you to understand whether you are strong or not,» he said with a guilty face.

- Did you hint? Why am I strong? I don't understand,» I said, with an misunderstanding expression, despite the fact that the face has not changed.

- Well, let me tell you. A certain circle of people was given a special anonymous exam,» he said, but before continuing, I interrupted it.

- And the purpose of the exam is my exception, right? - I said, to which he nodded and continued:

- And also the amount of 20 million points. At first I thought it was bad, but Director Tsukichiro said that you were strong enough to stop the methods that would be used against you,» Yagami said with a serious expression, «Director Tsukichiro also said that you were chosen by accident. I distrusted the director's words. If we assume that you were chosen by chance among the best second-year studies, then everything was in its place, but in the OIC program you are just an average statistical person,» Yagami said.

- Are you saying that there is some hidden meaning? - I asked.

- That's right. I assumed you were aware of things, but as it turns out not. Last time I couldn't tell you directly, but this time I told you about it,» Yagami said.

If you think so, what he said is true. Tsukishiro kept track of everything that was happening around him, even if he did not leave his office.

- I also made a serious mistake. When we were called, I accidentally said what was in my head, which made me spies for me. But on this day, or from now on there is no surveillance of me, so I told you what I owe,» Yagami said. Sighing, he continued, «Well, when I said I would help you, I didn't lie,» he said, and I found his wording strange.

- What do you mean? - I asked suspiciously.

He ate the last piece of food and put the sticks on the table. Taking the napkins, he first wiped his mouth and then wiped his hands. Getting up from his seat, he looked at me with serious determination in his eyes. Stretching out his hand, he said:

Unemotional battleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ