Prologue. Tsubaki Sakurako's monologue

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Tsubaki Sakurako's monologue

I managed to do almost everything in this life. I was happy, but at one point my world turned 180 degrees.

I got cold to my winnings and so on. Many would be puzzled by this. I'm not interested a bit. All thanks to my exact intuition. My world was absolutely gray. Not a single paint except gray.

Many people know that black and white films are much more uninteresting than color films. The reason for this is simple. The saturation of the picture and the director's feelings were not transmitted through black and white films.

My world was the same. Since childhood, I've been smarter than other children, which is why I thought I was smarter than my age. The world was boring when no one could compare to you.

I knew there were people smarter than me, and I wanted to see them. My dream in a sense. I didn't believe in a dream, I believed in my goal. I wanted to find a person superior to me, and defeat him no matter what. It's an absurd goal, but even so I had it.

I've heard about the Kodo Ikusei school, where I study now. I met a lot of people. Utomiya, Hatano, as well as a couple of other people. They were all nice to me, but one day... Hatano was expelled.

I wasn't sad about what was going on. I knew the school was harsh, but because Hatano set us up, our class was almost Lowered to Class D.

The harsh conditions of the school told us to become stronger.

I decided to help Utomiya-kun out of the shadows to meet the same one, right?

I also met a couple of leaders of other classes. Ishigami Kyo, Takahashi Osami from 1-A. Ishigami was smart, and Takahashi was a source of information. One worked from the shadows, and the other was a bright ray behind which Ishigami was hiding. I thought they would compete with me, but I was wrong. Although Ishigami was smart, he was clearly not cunning. Although he is the leader of his class, he did not have the same skills as me. In addition, he did not like attention, as well as competitions.

I also met Hosen. He was cunning, but too readable. I and my exact intuition will not let me down, especially against him. He was the one who cared about glasses. His methods are ruthless. Strategies are based only on violence.

I was completely upset, given that there is no one with whom I could arrange a duel of intellectuals.

That's what I thought until he...

I met one asshole, and his name was Yagami Takuya from 1-B.

Bright, kind and carefree character, not a serious personality. And he became the leader of their class, and then became one of the most popular students.

Many people thought he was a stupid and kind guy, but is that so?

Just by going to his «OАА» statistics, you can understand that he is clearly not what others have seen him.

He disgusted me. I'm not a fan of such attention. He was completely opposite to me. At first, I thought it was stupid to spend attention on him. And it was this thought that was stupid and naive.

Yagami became the one everyone was wary of. Whoever you ask, everyone said he was the most dangerous.

Ishigami, Hosen, Utomiya, Takahashi, they all considered him the most dangerous of the first-year-olds. Then his fame increased to incredible heights. The Sempai also began to beware of him.

Come to any student and ask:

«Who's the most dangerous of the first-year-ears?»

Everyone will answer indiscriminately:

«Yagami Takuya from 1-B»

Not only was his OАА statistics the second after President Nagumo, but he was much better than President Nagumo in terms of individuality.

President Nagumo was the strongest only because no one could compete with him. His year was pathetic. No one could do anything against him.

That's because everyone obeyed his will. There are many sempai who could be almost on an equal footing with him, but...

They were in the minority.

But Yagami was completely different. He didn't have 160 pawns. He was alone, but had the same social network as President Nagumo.

He could also turn the atmosphere of conversation into the right direction. If you don't pay attention, no one will notice.

He was also the smartest in terms of academic abilities, gaining the perfect score.

But most importantly, he's an asshole...

He plays the role of an asshole, a stupid person so naturally that everyone thinks he's really an idiot.

Even so, did everyone find it dangerous? The naive class leader has become the most formidable.

Everyone from the first-years wanted to be on his side. Nobody wants to be his enemy. Class A immediately established contact with him, agreeing to peace between them.

Class C also wanted to be on his side. Everyone but him...

The only one who worried about pride was Hosen Kazuomi. 1-D class leader. Because of his pride, he completely refused to cooperate.

After all this, I realized that he was the one...

Whom I hate... But that one...

Who was interesting to me.

I hated him and his existence, but I was interested in a duel with him. Either him or me.

I want to know who will be the winner...

And here's the prologue of 3 volumes. Tomorrow chapters 3.1 and 3.2. Chapter 3.1 is not so interesting, but chapter 3.2 will be bombing. Just watch.

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