3.1 Beginning of the exam

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Chapter 1: Beginning of the exam


On behalf of Ayanokoji

I was standing in one place.

The exam was not easy. In other words, we had to survive on this special exam.

I stood in line to take the first accessories, such as a toothbrush, toothpaste and tablet.

There weren't many people in front of me, given that many employees handed things out to students.

After a while, when the students left in front of me and I approached Masima's sensei, the people behind me became one step closer to the goal.

At the moment, when all the years of the second year occupied basic necessities, it was the turn of the first year, and it took a couple more minutes to wait for them.

Yagami came up to me, who got his things.

«Hi, Ayanokoji-sempai,» Yagami said, carrying things with one hand, and a backpack was put on his shoulder.

- Hi... Hi...

I answered strangely. In fact, the situation itself is strange. Yagami laughed only at my awkward greeting.

- I'm sorry, sempai, I really didn't want to laugh. Only your face seemed strange to me.

- My face?

It seemed strange to me.

- Yes, your face is funny.

- Oh, I thought differently. It doesn't matter. You didn't just come to talk, did you? - I asked. He's the person who obviously didn't come to me with an empty conversation.

- Oh. Hmm. Yes, I came for a reason. I came to talk to you.

- With me?

- Yes, with you. And it's very important.

An important conversation with me, isn't it? In that case, I have to listen to him. The probability that his conversation is not an empty phrase is 90%.

- I heard that you will pass a special exam. My friend Nanase-chan decided that he would help you.

He was slowly approaching the point. This guy spoke as if he knew about everything he had done in the first year. His social capabilities outweighed Kushida and Nagumo in several leagues. The first year standing opposite me, Yagami Takuya, the leader of his class, as well as almost the leader of all freshmen. Yagami's colossal capabilities are amazing. He was not only gifted in academic circles, but also one of the strongest first-year students in physical circles. The total score under the OAA program is equal to the «A» rating. Of course, he was one of the best students in the school.

- That's where I also move on to the main point. Slowly, slowly, I get down to business, okay?

- It would be better if you told me faster and faster.

- Hehe, okay. That's all. Sempai and Nanase-chan are alone, in empty silence. There are trees everywhere that cover the environment. Constant gusts of wind that reduce noise, screaming or moans from people. I'm talking about the day. You shouldn't even mention night, should you? Do you understand how the girl feels at that moment?

- Yes, I understand.

Yagami led to Nanase and I being alone. If I were Iik in my place, there would certainly be something perverted. Ike is a person who will spy on a woman without a hint of shame. He can get to such a thing that he even secretly smells the girl's clothes. He's such a person.

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