1.2 Checking Ichiki, Yagami Suspicion

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I went back to the dormitory. On my way home, I bought groceries to get ready for tomorrow. Kay was also waiting for me today.

Karuizawa Kay is my girlfriend. In the past, she was bullied by her peers, and even in high school she was bullied. However, she was subjected only twice, for the first time she was subjected on a ship on a zodiac exam.

And the second time Ryuen was looking for «X», that is, me. Well, after all these events that happened over the year, we started dating, which is really great.

When I first came here, I didn't think I could find a girl, especially some kind of her. But she turned out to be much more diligent and kinder than she showed herself in public.

At the moment, I was in a supermarket where I was choosing groceries to cook for myself to eat, as well as for my girlfriend. One of the reasons is to prepare for tomorrow, and the second is to spend this day with Kay, as well as to eat dinner with her.

- How troublesome... - I said, making sure that the choice of onions will be more difficult than I thought.

But there was also a pleasant side. This is an air conditioner that worked 24/7 to cool people like me. A cool breeze that fills the entire supermarket, as well as makes it cool.

A cool breeze from the air conditioner, from which you remember running last year against Horikita Manabu, a graduate of this school, as well as the former president.

A cool breeze reminiscent of the wind of autumn.

After buying groceries, I left the supermarket, with a full package of product, which gave weight to my hands. All teenagers must go through this burden, without exception, this is one of the stages of life.

I looked at the time and saw that I was late. I was supposed to come to the dorms by 18:00, but now it's 18:03, which means I still need 10 minutes to walk to the dormitory. And this means that I will get there around 18:15, and if given the possibility that I will meet a friend, it means that I will stay even longer than now.

Running may be the best, but I don't think the package will withstand such a load. And the products inside will fall with every push, which will be a problem for me, and the best solution is to go your own, even if it leads to the explosion of Kay's head.

I was walking towards the dormitory, and I met a familiar person there, or rather a little acquaintance. Yagami Takuya from 1-B. He saw that I saw him and waved his hand to me, but when he saw the package in his hands, he retreated with a smile. It looks like he realized that I'm in a hurry.

Well done, I forgive you your prank. I forgive the duty of coffee.

When I reached my room, I finally sighed, realizing that I had come here without incident, which made me happy. It seems that peaceful life has not yet completely let me go, although I support my peaceful life, but not as expected than I probably wanted.

The possibility that I will stand between the spiral of eternal life and the help of the class. It's something with something, you can even say that I didn't want to be inside this spiral, but as it turned out, I'm here.

I opened the door to my room. I picked up my green key card, and held it around the lock of gray, small size, as well as well protected.

I also gave a copy of the key to my girlfriend Kay so that she could come in whenever she wants, well, of course with permission.

So I expect her to be inside and thinks how to kill me. I slowly entered my apartment and saw that there were no shoes, which made me happy because they had not yet come, and now I can tease her, as well as be saved from some trouble.

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