3.6 Wrong route

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Chapter 6: Wrong route


On behalf of Ayanokoji

The seventh day has come. After a recent event, Nanasa and I haven't experienced anything else. In a sense, we were lucky.

There was no information about the first. Nagumo and his lackeys don't hunt me. The White Room student has not yet taken a single step.

Everything seems to be fine, but the problems will start only now. At the moment, Nanase and I are moving towards E2.

Our route was closer to the north side of D3. Climbing the slope, I noticed some peeping from Nanasa. These are not love or friendly views at all. Rather angry and filled with hatred.

I didn't attach much importance to it. I rather dismissed my idea, as maybe these are my thoughts. But you can't take your eyes off it.

It's not by chance that she threw these eyes. Maybe intentionally. It's like I offended her or took away something important from her.

You can come up with a bunch of theory, but there is no proving factor that my theories are true.

There's only one option left, and it's to wait.

When she reached a certain place, she stopped, which seemed strange to me. After all, she wanted to cut the path and not delay for a second, and then she stopped. Is it possible that she is planning something? No. Or maybe?

- Nanase, are you going to rest? - I asked to find out her goal.

"Sempai, you won't be able to reach E2 today," Nanase said.

- What?

She threw her backpack on the ground and looked in my direction. There was a clear expression of anger on her face, as if she was angry with me.

- What do you mean, Nanase?

- I want to say that this school is not the place where you should study.

- I still don't understand.

Maybe Nanase is the same student of the White Room? This is not surprising, given that she played a double game.

- Your place in the White Room, not in this school.

She seems to be a White Room student.

- So, so you know about the White Room, right?

- Yes... And now I'll take revenge.

Revenge? I misunderstood her words, but she wants revenge on me.

But why?

I didn't do anything to her. If a White Room student came for me, it's clearly not because of revenge.

- Your place in the White Room and I'll bring you back there. I'm attacking.

With this word, she attacked me.

Does she have strong arms or legs? Or all together? Or maybe she has a strong forehead?

A place to break my head and go forward, I decided to analyze Nanase and the situation.

During the fight, I felt someone's shrill look. Maybe it's Nanase's accomplice? Or did someone else decide to record the video as evidence and kick it out?

A lot of theory flew around my brains, but out of all the theory, one was right. It's to parry off Nanase's attacks and not attack back. The only thing I can do is evade.

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