3.5 Invisible intruder

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Invisible attacker

«Man is the only animal that hurts others without having any other purpose.»

Arthur Schopenhauer.


On behalf of Ayanokoji

Late evening 5 days. GPS search will be available tomorrow. So there will be much more problems from the first year than in the first week.

Understanding my situation, I decided to rest and prepare for tomorrow, when suddenly...

A man like Ike appeared nearby.

- Huh? Ayanokoji? - Ike said with surprise in his face.

«Oh, really Ayanokoji,» said the man standing behind him.

It was Sudo and Hondo. Given that they are in the same group, it wouldn't be an amazing thing.

- What are you doing here? - Hondo asked me.

- I finished the task nearby and decided to arrange a pass here. And you?

- Me too.

We turned on the flashlights and decided to pitch the tents when suddenly we heard a sound from the bushes nearby.

- P-Ghost? - Hondo said in fright.

- It's not a ghost. The sound is gradually increasing, which means that someone is approaching here,» I said.

- And that's right...

Nanase Tsubasa came out of the bushes from his first year of study.

- Nanase?

The first to react to her appearance was Sudo. He looked at her with distrust.

- Hello Sudo-sempai, Ike-sempai, Honda-sempai and Ayanokoji-sempai,» she answered with a smile, «What are you doing here?

She asked what was in her head. I was wondering why Nanase came out of the bushes?

Although there were no paths from where the sound was heard.

- I decided to settle here. I thought the next task would be nearby. After all, the last task was next to this zone.

It was true. Early in the morning, the task will appear next to this zone. Given that the school will not send us far, they are likely to make at least one zone nearby profitable.

«Well, then, it's nice to welcome to this zone,» Ike answered with a smile, although he was still worried about Shinohara.

Part 1

Early morning 6 days. Around 5 a.m. I woke up from loud sounds. Like a signal from a watch.

I got up and left the tent and saw Nanase. It looks like not only I heard these sounds, Nanase also left the tent. Zeva, she came up to me and said:

- Sempai, what kind of sounds?

- It looks like a signal from a watch.

- Let's go to the sound source. He played for more than two minutes.

«It's pretty dark now, you can get hurt,» I said.

- Are you saying you're not going to go not to help that student? - Nanase asked angrily. A light of determination was burning in her eyes.

- Okay, let's wake up Sudo and the others first.

I woke Sudo and the others. He told everything that is happening nearby and without unnecessary questions we went on the road.

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