"That does not give you a right to try to harm my sister" Prince Ivon's words were calm and cool but there was obvious venom underneath.

"Your sister? Ivon do not be a fool!!"

"It is my problem!!" Ivon yelled back "the throne is mine once you are gone. What ever threat against the throne would be taken care of by me and not by you. Do not fight my battles for me father"

"I will if all you do is seat back and let it happen!" The king snap. His veins popping out in rage. "No son of mine will lose his throne over to a woman"

"I have said my piece father. If anything happens to Amber, I shall willingly give up the throne myself"

"You will not do such a thing Prince Ivon!!" King Ceser screamed at his son, but Prince Ivon ignored him and walked out of his chambers.

Every words he said to his father he meant in. Now its up to the old man to do what he thinks is best for himself. Ivon cared nothing about the throne anyway. It wouldn't be a pain if he lose it.

All through the evening, Aurora had been feeling a bit off.

First it happened to be because of the way she had walked out of the princess chambers. She was angry and hurt by the princess accusations and assumptions about her and she let her anger get to her.

Aurora had no idea why she felt so hurt by the princess Ill thoughts about her. For a moment she regretted walking out with anger in her heart. Why does she feel angry anyway? The princess have no idea who she is, why should she trust her. Helping her with her injury isn't enough reason to trust her. She is still a stranger to her.

She acted out of line with her anger and she felt the need to apologize to the princess. The urge had been there since the morning she left the princess chambers.

It didn't help that on her way back to her room after leaving the princess, she bump into lady Gianna who had been rude to her at the hunting game, and the albino lady accused her of trying to get closer with the prince by searching around for his chambers.

Aurora had no time to deal with the lady and just decided to walk away. If only lady Gianna would open her eyes and realize that she wasn't the competitor for prince Ivon's heart.

After the hunting games, lady Teresa seem to be spending more time with the prince. A maid had arrived at their chambers that evening to pass on prince Ivon's request to see Teresa again.

Aurora could already see the signs of a growing relationship and she was already preparing herself to go home.

However someone who did not seem the least happy for Teresa was Tina. The blond haired woman had been unlike herself ever since the hunting game.

Aurora had wanted to ask her about her sudden depression but she hasn't got the time. However she found the perfect moment after Teresa left to see the prince and Susan spent her entire day at the palace library. She was finally alone with Tina.

Timidly, Aurora brought up her concern to the depressed looking girl "Tina are you okay?"

Tina glance up at Aurora from her side on her bed and Aurora immediately notice the signs of tiredness and bags underneath her eyes. Aurora quickly decided that whatever was happening to Tina must be serious.

Tina opened her mouth to say something but decided against it with a shake of her head "I am fine"

"No you are not" Aurora protest gently as she moved from her bed to Tina's. She settled beside the blond girl eyeing her with concern eyes "when I first came here you made it bearable for me with your constant jokes and teasing, but recently you have been quite depressed and believe me I worry for you"

Tina stared at Aurora for a while before turning away. She could see the sincerity in Aurora's eyes and she couldn't bring herself to lie to her any longer.

"Aurora I think I_" she stopped herself and swallowed harshly, a look of pain and hurt settling on her features "I think I am in love with the prince"

"Huh?" Was Aurora's confused response. Yeah Tina did made claims that she was into the prince but Aurora thought she simply said that to tease lady Teresa, she never even thought that Tina was actually serious.

Tina continued "I mean that is the only explanation I have for this feeling of jealousy in my heart"

"You are jealous of Teresa?"

Tina didn't seem sure of herself but she nodded "I thought nothing of it when prince Ivon danced with you at the party but when I saw him holding onto lady Teresa during the hunting game, I got this weird feeling of jealousy. I think I consider Teresa as a solid threat, maybe that is why I am jealous of her. I am worried that the prince might choose her"

Aurora was confused. Tina had never showed any sign that she might be into the prince.

A thought was tugging at Aurora's mind and she couldn't help asking "do tell me Tina, what do you think about the prince?"

Tina didn't understand the reason for such question but she answered anyway "I mean he is not bad to look at"

"Is that why you love him?"

Tina seem more confused than ever and Aurora watch her fidget with her fingers "um, he's the prince. Should everyone not love him? You love him do you not?"

Aurora did not respond to that instead she said "maybe you should rest a bit Tina. I will get you some water from the kitchen and we shall continue our conversation after that"

As she left Tina alone, her heart couldn't stop pounding at the possibility that Tina might have feelings for Teresa instead which could be why she was jealous.

Aurora did not know if it was because she was reading a lot of that book. Maybe it made her think about it that way because of the relationship between the two women in the book, or maybe it could be the fact that Tina's reasons for loving the prince was ridiculous.

Nevertheless, it can never be. Two women in love?

Aurora just couldn't understand it.

But then for some reason, her mind drifted to the princess and she found herself stopping in her tracks at the sudden speed of her heart.

Oh lord!

"Hey" as if she knew of Aurora's thought, princess Amber appeared right in front of Aurora dressed in the same cloths as this morning they met.

"Your highness" Aurora managed a quick bow trying to distract herself from staring at the princess like an awe struck fool.

Amber seem uncomfortable on her own two feet, almost nervous it seems and Aurora couldn't help the flip in her heart when those eyes stare at her.

Aurora was losing her mind and she knew it. If not why would she find the action where the princess rubbed the back of her neck nervously cute. The princess is a girl and she shouldn't think of her in that manner.

"Listen I think I went a bit overboard with my accusation earlier today," she began after a rather long pause "you saved my life and the least I can do is to be thankful." She stretch out a single white rose to Aurora and Aurora stared at it in confusion "I thought I should get you something to apologize properly and to also say thank you"

Aurora stared at the rose for a while longer and then at the princess beautiful face and she felt that growing familiar speed in her heart again.

What in the world is happening?

A FORBIDDEN LOVE TO REMEMBER (GXG)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن