Last One - Act 4, Scene 10

Start from the beginning

Joe: You were amazing love.

Demi: Thanks. So were you, especially when you made that up on the spot.

Joe laughs

Joe: I am good when put on the spot.

Demi: I know.

Both laugh and then Joe helps Demi off the stage

Other students start exiting the building as prom was ending

Demi and Joe walk up to the group

Kayla: That was incredible you guys!!

Ethan: Honestly amazing.

Adele: (crying) You made me cry.

Demi: Aww Adele.

Demi hugs Adele

Kayla: I'm gonna miss you guys so much.

Demi: So am I.

Demi starts to tear up and Kayla hugs her and Adele

End up with a group hug - others in the group join too

All stop hugging and start to make their way outside to go home

Ethan: I just can't believe it's all over. All these years are gone, and we're never coming back here again.

Demi: I know, I can't get my head round it.

Joe: At least I had one good night in this shithole of a school.

All laugh

Ethan: True though.

All outside now - standing outside the building

Beau: Right, I think me and Eli are gonna go you guys.

Elijah: I've got a curfew so have to be home.

Demi: Hey I was hoping we could go to the café for a bit tomorrow maybe?

Joe: It'll be shut then babe.

Demi: Oh shit yeah.

Beau: Sorry Dem.

Demi: No no, it's okay. We'll see your around then I guess.

Beau: Yeah I guess so.

Elijah: Thanks for tonight everyone, it's been amazing. I'm gonna miss you all.

Kayla: Aw we'll miss you too Eli.

Elijah hugs Kayla

Beau goes round and hugs the others, Elijah then does the same

Elijah: Bye guys.

Beau: We'll see you guys soon.

Others say goodbye to them and wave the two off as they drive away

Kayla: Me and Lil are gonna head home too, its getting late.

Demi: You too?

Kayla: Sorry Dem, we'll make plans soon I promise!

Demi: I'll hold you to that!

Kayla: Oh I know.

Both laugh and hug

Lillian: Bye Adele.

Adele: Bye Lilly, its been great getting to know you.

Lillian: Aw same with you. We'll definitely have to meet up, just the four of us soon.

Kayla: I said that!

Lillian: I know my love. (Laughs)

Joe: Bye Kayla.

Kayla: Bye Joe.

They hug

While hugging Kayla whispers something in Joe's ear

Kayla: You better treat her right this time.

Joe: I will, I will.

Kayla moves to Ethan

Ethan: Bye dude.

Kayla: Bye dude. (Laughs)

They hug also

Kayla and Lillian leave

Joe, Demi, Adele and Ethan left standing outside - see a couple other students around but not many

Joe and Ethan: And then there were two!

Adele: There's four of us you idiots.

All laugh

Demi looking tired but still laughing

Joe: Dem do you wanna sit in your chair?

Demi: Yeah my legs are killing me.

Joe: I'll go get it. Ethan you coming?

Ethan: Yeah sure.

Demi: Thanks love.

Joe and Ethan walk off to get Demi's wheelchair

Demi: This hardest goodbye of them all.

Adele: I know.

Both tear up

Adele hugs Demi

Demi: When am I gonna see you?

Adele: Next year definitely. We'll make a whole thing of it! We'll do before that too!

Demi: Good because I c-can't handle not seeing you for a year!

Both now sobbing

Adele: I love you Dem. Thank you for being my friend.

Demi: I love you too.

Joe and Ethan come back with Demi's wheelchair

Ethan: Aw girls.

Ethan hugs them

Ethan: Come on Joe get in here.

Joe joins in also

Demi: Thanks f-for everything guys. I love you.

Adele: I love you too.

Ethan: We love ya Dem.

Joe: Thanks for everything.

Adele's phone sounds

Adele sniffles and looks at it

Adele: My mum's here to pick us up Ethan.

Ethan: Ok, we better go then.

Demi: One last hug first.

Adele: Okay.

All hug again and then Adele and Ethan start walking off

Adele: Bye guys.

Demi: Love you!

Joe: See you guys soon!

Adele: (shouting whilst walking away) Love you too!

Ethan: See you in a year!

All wave, Adele and Ethan exit

Joe: You ready to go?

Demi: Yeah, let's go.

Demi and Joe walk off

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