Chapter 6: "Don't think there are no crocodiles because the water is calm"

Start from the beginning

Was he asleep all this time when his wolf was walking around? How is it even possible?

Julius POV

Chen is pushing my wheelchair into the packhouse, it's early afternoon, but we all need to talk seriously.

Natasha is sitting behind her desk, Gamma and Preston are taking their usual spots, Brandon, as the head of patrols units, is also here, along with two or three trackers and Alyssa, our pack doctor.

"Alright, since we have you all here, let's get to the business. First, we had an alarming incident a week ago and still have no answer about the preparator."

"Two warriors claimed that they smelt rogue; they were sure it was an omega which is very rare, they followed it to the swamp when they lost track but heard howling, and when they entered it, they were sedated. I checked, but there was no sign later of an omega or anybody else. I think that whoever it was probably already moved somewhere far away," Brandon says.

"But the problem was it was for sure hunters' poison, and as you all know, no hunter was spotted in this state in 10 years; strange is also that the warriors weren't killed. We can't actually report it as a hunter's attack because they were left unharmed, and as you know, that's not how hunters work. So all of this is strange." Chen says, a little annoyed; just like me, he doesn't agree with ignoring it as unimportant.

"As a result of my journey, I can confirm that more or less all the packs have struggled with the same problem recently," Preston decides to speak" And it's a rising number of rogues; for now, there is no major incident, but still I recommend doubling the patrols and also extend them a little. As you know, as a pack, we are slightly isolated from other packs' territory, and our lands are surrounded by the human environment, which rogues usually choose to cross. So I think it will be a good idea to include at least the two nearby cities, especially the pack's children attend Middle and High School in one of them."

"Not a bad idea," Natasha says. "See to it as soon as possible, Preston, but I want no engagement with the rogues unless they are feral or you are provoked. I know one of the Alphas suggested killing all the rogues the same moment they were spotted. I don't allow it unless there is a provocation or threat."

"Whose idea was that?" I ask. I'm not a big fan of rogues myself, but I can't accept killing somebody solely cause they pass by close to the borders."

"Ravenswood Pack, their Alpha is not in good shape since his Luna's death; I'd say he is getting more and more brutal," says Preston in a dead tone.

I think about it for a moment, I remember Alpha Ravenswood as someone very tough but also cruel, yet he never had bloodthirsty ideas like this before, but people change, especially if they lose a mate.

"Next thing, we must also intensify the warriors' training. Preston, you are the Head Warrior, but I want this task handed to Julius." Natasha finishes, and both Preston and Brandon frown.

"I thought Brandon could take care of it," Preston starts, but Natasha cuts him short.

"Brandon lacks experience, and Julius doesn't, and I made my decision."

I glance at my uncle, he doesn't seem happy, but he is an old warrior, so he understands, but I also look at Brandon and see that he is furious. I understand him; I know he is young and ambitious, and for sure, he wants to prove himself.

"Oh, and Julius, come with me today to talk with Mae; she must be informed. Plus, I haven't seen her in a while."

I nod in understanding; I haven't been in Mae's bar since Danny arrived; I guess I was too busy. As everybody is dismissed, Natasha takes the car, and we leave the packhouse.

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