8: The Girl From 4B

Start from the beginning

I'm starting to wonder if you are sane.

This shit is serious dude!

Should I come there?


Who should I call? The General or Dani?

If I'm not back in an hour call the General.
I'm here. Switching off my phone.

I switched off my phone. I was led to an interrogation room. A man came in. "Chuck De la Cruz. Where are you from Chuck?"

"What is this about?"

"Not a fan of a small talk." He smiled. "Let's get to the point then. Your upstairs neighbor..." he frowned as he read something on a sheet of paper. "...says she was robbed. Do you have anything to say about that?"


"Your neighbors gave collaborating statements that they saw you breaking down her door after which you entered the premises. Can you confirm that?"

"My upstairs neighbor at 4C came knocking at my door at 9:38pm. She said the apartment upstairs, apartment 4B, the one next to hers is burning. I was with my friend Phinney at the time. She can collaborate this. There was the smell of something burning in the air when I got to the 4B door. The owner of the apartment did not respond when I called out. I was concerned. I broke down the door out of concern that she could be in harm's way. I saw that the oven was on and was the source of the smoke. I turned it off, called out for her, looked around the house for her and when I realized she wasn't home, I left the apartment. I met the caretaker outside the apartment and I informed him of the situation and asked him to repair the broken door. End of my statement concerning this matter."

He smiled at me. "Why didn't you call 911 if you thought her life was in danger?"

"I'm a fireman. I went to assess the situation before wasting resources over something that was as simple as switching off an oven. The only damage was to the poor bird that was getting roasted."

"You did not touch anything in her apartment."

"I did not touch anything else except the oven and the door knob."

He made some notes. "I like firemen. I think it takes a lot of balls to run into burning buildings. Just last week, my pops was saved from a burning building by a fireman. I hear he was stubborn about leaving his possessions."

"Was he wearing pajamas?" I remember that because it was high noon and the old man was till in his pajamas.

"Checked purple ones."

"I remember him. He smacked the back of my head so many times." I chuckled.

"That was you? No shit! You saved my pops!"

"It's just another day at the job."

"No man! You are a hero. I owe you. How can I help you out of this situation. I know the salary isn't so good. If you took it, give it back and everything will be settled out of court."

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