Chapter 21

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Cue the butterflies, the fireworks and pure desirous longing.

Clive gently cupped Luke's face in his hands as he bent down to fully relish the kiss, it wasn't the most comfortable position but Clive wasn't in the least bit arsed, not when Luke was kissing him so passionately.

Luke's hands remained attached to Clive's jumper as he was transported to a whole new world at the feeling of Clive's lips against his own. He couldn't bring himself to stop, but he needed air if he wanted to live to kiss Clive for a second time so he pulled back.

Luke's actions had rudely broken Clive's reverie as he looked down at Luke with dazed eyes. Luke quickly got out of his seat and ushered Clive onto the table, he placed himself between Clive's legs once Clive was seated on the table top.

"Please tell me it's not over," Clive said in a hushed pleading voice.

"Far from it." Luke said as he stole another kiss from Clive.

It was supposed to be a soft peck to the lips but Clive wanted more, he wrapped his arms around Luke's neck pulling the boy closer so he wouldn't be able to disconnect their lips.

Luke had almost stumbled onto Clive as the latter yanked his neck in to deepen the kiss. Luke had steadied himself by placing both his hands on either side of Clive all without breaking their kiss. He delicately placed his right hand on the small of Clive's back as he tried to pull the boy closer eliciting a rather lewd groan from him in response. 

Neither of them had thought that  their first kiss would have been so much more provocative than sweet but neither of them were complaining.

To anybody and everybody Clive would seem rather vanilla but only he knew the contradicting reality. He wished Luke could up their kiss a notch but Luke was being very loving and gentle with his kissing not that Clive wasn't enjoying it! He whined into Luke's mouth in hopes of getting the boys attention and luckily he had succeeded...maybe a bit too much.

Luke let go of all his inhibitions as he grabbed Clive's thighs hurriedly pulling the boy closer. The action was so hungry it did things to Clive's head. He used his legs to trap Luke in place as he desperately moved his lips to match Luke's pace.

The school grounds were deserted save for Stephen who was making his way towards the gates, "Could you not wait to get home?" He chided.
Clive had a good mind to tell him to piss right off but he held back the harsh words redirecting his resentment in the form of a mocking smile.

It was funny because he had his arms draped around Luke's shoulders, his legs doing the same but with the boys waist as Luke looked towards Stephen high as a kite and totally out of his senses.

Stephen only shook his head as he grumbled something under his breath and walked away.

Clive was thankful for Stephens's interruption (for the second time). He had unknowingly popped a boner and the intensity of the kiss he shared with Luke may have relieved him completely if they went any further.

He immediately pulled his legs back down as he hid his flustered self in the crook of Luke's neck embarrassed beyond repair.

Luke was still in one of his trances, staring into the distance as he gingerly ran his hand up and down the sheepish boys back. It took him a solid minute to come back down from his high as he drew his head back to look at Clive who was praying for the ground to open up and swallow him whole.

Clive didn't know what came over, he had behaved like a slut and was so overt about it! He didn't think he could ever look Luke in the eyes again without turning into a blushing mess.

Just as he was shying away further into Luke the latter placed a soft kiss to his temple and wrapped Clive into a warm hug.

"He's probably right," Clive mumbled, his head on Luke's shoulder.


"Stephen. You do realise we've just had a full on make out session on campus in the open."

"One, Stephens a prick. Two, let's continue."

"Luke!" Clive whined as he shied away yet again.

Luke chuckled at the adorable boy in his arms, "can't believe you deprived me of this on my birthday." He said with an angry pout.

"I'll make up for the lost kisses...I- I mean if t-that's what- if you're okay with that," Clive was paranoid again for the silliest things. Luke hadn't said anything about his confession and now Clive couldn't help but overthink the entire situation.

Luke knew Clive too well, he held onto the boy's shoulder and looked into his eyes with a stern look, "I'd kill for kisses." He tried to keep a serious expression but cracked a smile when Clive threw his head back in laughter.

"I'll walk you home." Luke said as he slung his arm around Clive's shoulder.

"That won't be necessary."

"But I will."

Clive sighed in defeat as he quietly walked alongside the stubborn boy.

Their walk was initially awkward but they soon eased off, their hands somehow finding each other as they walked the empty streets hand in hand. It was a cute gesture after they had spent about 6 minutes eating each other's faces.

'Shame there was no frenching.'

They made it to Clive's house quicker than anticipated.

"Will I be seeing you tomorrow?" Luke asked shyly as he picked at their intertwined fingers.

"You see me every other day," Clive chuckled softly.

"Yeah but will I be seeing you romantically?"

"I've got to be at the drive tomorrow though,"

Luke had totally forgotten about the blood drive and was now upset that he couldn't spend his Saturday with Clive in his arms, "I'll donate."

'Anything to be near you.' He thought to himself as he stared at the boy in front of him with heart eyes. He was whipped.

"You will? That's nice! Uh, maybe you can come in an hour before closing so we can go home together."


Clive pulled Luke's face in for a final kiss. The kiss was slow and gentle but still didn't fail to make Luke's knees weak, every kiss with Clive only got better and better. He  pulled back from the kiss and stared into Clive's dreamy eyes, he left a trail of light kisses on one side of Clive's face which brought out a cute laugh from the boy, "okay that's enough Luke."

It wasn't though, not for Luke. He could stay right there on Clive's porch all night if it meant he could get even the tiniest of pecks from the boy he loved, "one more," he said with pleading eyes.

Clive shook his head but kissed him anyways.

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