Ben's female classmates x Male Omnitrix Wearer Reader

Start from the beginning

Dorah:Huh.Funny,I dont remember you at all.

Y/N:(She must be super selfcentered or she became a teenager before se started attending this school.But she does have cute freckles.)

Lunch lady then wake him up from his thought by dropping a platefull of some weird brown mush.He tried to smell it but was immedietly repulsed.

Y/N:Ugh,I never thought Id miss Maxs food.

Ben:Tell me about it.

Y/N turned to see his nighboor and best friend,male one at least,with the tray full of same insult to food.

Y/N:How long were you here?

Ben:Not long.Long enough to hear that Heatblasts hotter than Fourarms.Bleh!

Y/N:Dont act like you didnt had a crush.You were running around Kai like a love sick puppy.Ironic,because I was turning into an alien werewolf.She was so possesive but not my type.

Ben:And I wasnt hers.No girls go after me.

Y/N:I dont know.When that Karen girl took you hostage aster absorbing Fourarmss powers seemed like a pretty big clue that she might like you.Back then,Gwen was just as powerless as you.She couldve taken her hostage.

Ben:Great,you get a cute navajo dancer and I get a power hungry crazy girl.

Y/N:Look at the bright side.I dont want the navajo dancer and some people like crazy.

While they were talking they walked to the empty table to sit down and try to endure the school menu.They both closed their eyes and were slowly moving the spoon to their own mouth.It was almost as if they were waiting for the other to take the first bite which would for some reason lessen the unberable taste.

???:Exuse,can I sit here?
They both stopped trying to eat,with great relief,to see a girl with brown pigtails,perhaps a little orangeish,in a light blue shirt with side pockets and a baggy green pants.

Y/N:Sure Alice.

Y/N:(Ah,my faitfull study partner.I was wondering when would she turn up.She didnt change a bit since last time I saw her.Except probably clothes.I cant remember what she wore last time but she probably grew a centimeter or two.)

She sat down next to him on the side of his non dominant armwhile Ben was still on the opposite side of the table,across him.

Alice:Hi Ben.


Y/N:Not this again.

Ben:Its not my fault I didnt have time to study for that test,and besides it was too hard.

Alie:That still doesnt give you an exuse to cheat.You couldve just take the test again.At least youd be familiar with it.

Y/N:Listen you two,it was over a year ago.You werent held back a grade and she appologized,even under protest.Can we just let it go?


Y/N:Thank you.

As they ate in silence,Alice eventually saw the Omnitrix on Y/Ns hand.

Alice:Where did you get that?

Y/N:O-oh this old thing?I got it on the summer trip with Ben and his grandpa and cousin.I dont know which town,we moved around a lot.

Alice didnt question it but she found the symbol quite familiar for some reason.

Y/N:Oh great.Its Dumb and dumber junior addition.The tweedledum and tweedledee in real life.

Ben10 human girls x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now