8) I'm so, so sorry

Start from the beginning

"Why what?" i asked.

"You didnt have to join in" Stefan said while smiling a little.

"Kind of did. What you were doing with my sister this morning was awful" i said "I mean, this is what it was like" i pulled the ends of my hair to make it strait then said "'This is bad of us'" pretending to be Elena. then i quickly scrunched up my hair and made my voice deeper to pretend to be Stefan. "'Yes it is' 'If Kathrine finds out....'Kathrine who?'"

"Ok stop" Stefan said and i dropped my hair before bowing for my performance.

"I could hear every word and sound...... if your gonna stay over could you at least make the making out quiet?" i asked and he rolled his eyes. "Now, before you roll your eyes at me again, lets go help set up the glasses"

We then began to walk outside while i carried the box Stefan brought in.

While setting up some glasses Stefan was in the back of the small booth while i set up the front.

"Hey Mason" i said while he walked past. Him and Stefan quickly turned to me.

"Hey May, Stefan" Mason said and continued walking to a pile of boxes near by and put the one in his down. Then turned to us. "Wasn't expecting you two here. Or anywhere"

"Yea, we had this little accident. But, uh, I'm fine now and Mays fine now" Stefan said. Mason then came towards me and Stefan which i got slightly un-comfortable with.

"What did you do to Sheriff Forbes?" Mason asked.

"Oh, she's fine too" Stefan said. "but from now on, you'll have to do your own dirty work"

"Not a problem" Mason said then began to turn away and looked at me before he did so. Then we quickly continued walking when he crashed into someone.

"Oh" she said quite loudly and it sounded like Bonnies voice.

"Excuse me" Mason said then continued walking.

"Bonnie" i said and turned my back to her to seem busy.

"Whats the matter? Are you ok?" Stefan asked walking towards her.

"When i touched him, i saw something" Bonnie said.

"What do you mean, like a vision?" Stefan asked.

"I saw May" she said and i frowned as they both looked at me then back at each other.

"You saw May?" Stefan asked.

"He was kissing her" Bonnie said and i raised my eyebrows and pursed my lips. Well, this feels un-comfortable now.

"No, Bonnie, May wouldnt kiss....." Stefan said then quickly looked away from Bonnie and to Mason. "You didnt see May. You saw Kathrine"

"We need to go find Damon, now" i said turning to them then began walking away from them and towards Damon.

"Kathrines with Mason Lockwood?" Damon asked in disbelief when we told him.

"He got into town right after she did. It makes perfect sense" Stefan said.

"I know, but Mason Lockwood" Damon continued "Werewolf thing aside, the guys a surfer. She's got to be using him. She has to be"

"Using him for what?" I asked. "We know she has dirty work, but we dont have any clues to what it is"

"Mason's looking for a moonstone that allegedly can break the full-moon werewolf curse. Maybe Kathrine wants it as well" Damon said.

"Theres our clue" i said.

Un-known blood line (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now