"Do you still care about Kathrine?" Elena asked as i arrived over there. I leaned against the table Stefan was drawing on and watched, wishing i had popcorn.

"Don't do this. Please. Dont turn this into something its not" Stefan said turning to look at her.

"So, this isnt up for discussion. That's what your saying?" Elena asked.

"No, I'm saying this isnt up for discussion right now, because we have ears on us" Stefan said and they both eyed Caroline and Damon then me.

"Hey" i said and they turned back to each other.

"Ok, when?" Elena asked.

"I dont know" Stefan said.

"I saw her, Stefan. It's like were the same person. How could you hate her and be in love with me?" Elena asked and i really had to hold in a 'ooooo'. I look like both of them and me and Stefan are just friends.

"Your reaching. I'm not- I'm not Damon" Stefan said. Again, holing in another 'ooooo'.

"How about we dont bring Damon into this right now?" Elena said pointing to Damon over her shoulder.

"You know, i cant. I cant do this anymore, Elena" Stefan said.

"Fine, Stefan. Whatever" Elena said then walked away towards Damon and Caroline. I walked to Stefan and made sure his body was blocking mine from the vampires.

"Ouch" i said as i clapped with no noise. I mouthed 'Great performance'. Stefan rolled his eyes.

"Whatever Emily" Stefan said, still acting.

"Hey, dont take your emotions out on me" i said, now having to act offended. "Dont make me banish you from being my friend for another three hundred years like i have done to Damon"

"Wouldn't think of it" Stefan said.

"Do i go with Elena or stay with you?" i asked.

"I dont mind" Stefan said as he walked away. I went with him.

"Elena has Caroline, you need a shoulder to cry on as well" i said. Thats when we saw Damon and i rolled my eyes, but continued walking with Stefan.

"Please tell me that you were just bonding" Stefan said.

"So, whats up with this, um, faux drama in you relationship?" Damon asked Stefan.

"What are you talking about?" Stefan asked.

"Oh, come on, Stefan. You and Elena dont fight. Especially not over me" Damon said.

"Drop it Damon" i said a little harsher then needed. Damon eyed me before turning to the lemonade girl.

"With pleasure" Damon said.

"Would you like some lemonade?" she asked us.

"Thank you, sweetie" Damon said taking a cup from the grinning child and taking a sip. I was about to grab one when Damon began to cough and knelt on the ground holding his chest.

"What's wrong with you?" Stefan and i asked at the same time. We both quickly helped him over to a bench.

"Vervain. Vervain" Damon gasped out as he struggled to breath. I gave Stefan a worried look and he quickly returned it.

Once Damon recovered from his coughing fit he stood and stomped to the edge of the porch aria. Me and Stefan quickly following.

"Oh it burns" Damon said as he chugged alcohol from who knows where. Damon then leaned against the railing as if about to throw up and Stefan patted his back supportively. After a few seconds Damon quickly spun round. "I'm gonna kill him" then he went to walk away. Me and Stefan pushed him back but he pushed us forward and we all began to fight each other with the directions.

Un-known blood line (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now