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[After credit scene 1]

"Strange, the flow of time has been disturbed."

Wong said entering Stephen Strange's private study.

"Do we know by who and how?"

He asked and Wong nodded

"It was an American woman named Aiyanna y/n, avatar of Bast the panther god. She wields a powerful necromancy along with visions of the future. We don't know how she did it but we do know her actions have already started to cause ripple effects in the multiverse itself."

Wong explains.

"How so?"

Stephen asked before Wanda gestures with his hand as a girl about 10 years old comes out from behind him.

"What does Aiyanna have to do with this little girl?"

Stephen asked.

"Her name is Royalty, daughter of Erik and Linda Stevens. The only problem is-"

Wong covers royalty's ears.

"Her mother had complications with her birth which killed royalty in this timeline."

He explains which made Stephen strange now very concerned.

"So that means timelines are now leaking into our own."

Stephen got ready to head out grabbing his cape and sling ring.

"Do we know where she is currently?"

Stephen asked readying to make a portal.


Wong said before the two and Royalty head into an orange portal as it then closed behind them.

[After credits scene 2]

Mother Raven was in her tree in raven form when something started rubbling from inside. She entered seeing the big black book thrashing about before she grabbed it taking it outside quickly. She opened it up and looked at the pages after the tree, page after page seemed to shift and change and morph never having a true image.

"This is not good at all."

She muttered to herself using her magic to flip to the end of the book to see a picture that shifted from Aiyanna with the universe in her hand then to an image of Aiyanna being sealed away by a crimson witch, a god of mischief, and future sorcerer supreme.

"Aiyanna what did you do to have your fate end up here?"

She mumbled not feeling the presence of Bast right behind her looking over her shoulder at the drawing.

"You have a lot to answer for Mother Raven or should I call you by your real name, Zotuna goddess of fate and ravens?"


Heart shaped herb  (SHURI X YANNA) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ