Chapter 18.5 (re uploaded)

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[Tyrell's perspective is happening at the same time as chapter 18]

[I republished only changing the ending]

I was trying my best to keep up with Citizen V but his skills were nothing I was use to. I jumped backwards trying to get some space while I thought of a plan.

"You tire yourself out yet? I'm starting to get bored."

Citizen V yawned and before I could say anything I looked to my left to see a missile coming straight at me before a ghostly Aiyanna caught it.

"Oh god, what kind of power did they give her?"

I thought to myself and with the distraction I took my chance lounging forwards and slashing him across the chest.

"A cheap shot? Really?"

Citizen V scoffed before launching forwards only to be immediately slugged in the face by a metal arm knocking him on his ass.

"Nice arm, Wakanda know you got that?"

I quipped and he rolled his shoulder readying to fight.

"Of course they do, their the ones who gave it to me."

We came forwards as I chucked my shield at Citizen V and without fail he caught it, throwing it at Bucky which he had also caught it with ease. Bucky tossed it back to me as I leaped into air bringing the shield down onto his blade shattering it.

"W-what? How?!"

He exclaimed and while he was shocked, I took the chance to chuck the shield right at the bridge of his nose as hard as I could knocking him out.

"Good job kid, I know a friend who would love to se-"

Bucky stopped talking when the ground shook as a large golden figure of Aiyanna stood tall before it crashed it's fists down. The sheer of the attack blew me back knocking my back into a tree. I stumbled back up using the tree as leverage before looking at Bucky; who had gracefully stopped himself by clawing the ground with his metal arm.

"Is she a friend of yours?"

He questioned looking just as shocked as me. I looked over to see Aiyanna kneeling on the ground before stumbling up and walking into a debris cloud.

"Can you go check on her? I need to make sure everyone else is safe."

I said before grabbing my shield and running off into the city. Enwo was in the city square fighting off a woman with a black bullseye on her head and a very interesting yet confusing outfit. She and Enwo were covered in cuts and slashes as the two clashed their weapons once more. I toss my shield at the woman as she nimbly dodges out of the way before focusing her attention on me.

"Oh god, not another skilled fighter, where are all the scrubs at?"

I huffed before coming to Enwo's side to help fight. I tried to bring my sword down on the woman before I was quickly disarmed and kicked in the ribs knocking me over.

"God damn, she's strong as hell."

I said taking the time to catch my breath and collect my shield before deciding to play a more defensive role; Enwo seemed like she could hold her own in the offense department more than I can. The woman spun her Katana thrusting it forwards as Enwo tried to dodge but was cut in the side before retaliating by sweeping her legs. She brought the spear down trying to stab her face but she moved her neck just in time, the woman snaked her legs around the spear before swinging her body off of it and straddling Enwo's mid section with her legs. She began to viciously beat onto Enwo's face before I snuck around and with the spear jabbed it right into her back before pulling her off and onto the ground. Enwo spat out a tooth and cracked her neck before putting her hands up, a look of pure malice in her eyes putting a chill in my spine.

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