Chapter 17

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Bast looked at me and smiled like a proud mother.

"Now go, show these invaders why Wakanda isn't to be trifled with."

She commanded moving out of my way.

"Hop on my back Enwo."

I directed, feeling each step the soldiers took on Wakandian soil fill me with a rage I've never felt before. Enwo hesitantly jumped onto my back as I now levitated out of the window down to the city below. The city was filled with chaos as people ran trying to get away from the incoming attackers, a child looked above seeing me now flying overhead with a look of malicious intent plastered on my face.

"Are you here to save us?"

The little boy asked as I looked down at him. I softened my face before rubbing his cheek smiling.

"Run along, I'm going to make sure these bad men leave okay?"

I stated as the boy smiled back running off. A horde of soldiers filled the streets throwing molotovs at houses. I balled my fists in rage.


I shouted as my hand shot forwards shooting out what seemed like a ball of mist, it hit of one of them going inside his body.

"What did you do to me?! OH GOD WHAT DID YOU D-"

His soul left his body causing his corpse to fall limp. The lime green soul orb floated in the air idly.

"Oh, looks like you did have a soul after all."

I remarked before I snapped my fingers as the soul began to tremble chaotically before causing a massive explosion knocking back every soldier near it.

"Oh wow, I didn't know I could do that. What else can I do?"

I laughed before an evil grin filled my face. Enwo stood next to me her spear no longer at the ready as she watched me in awe. The soldiers stumbled themselves back up and began to fire at me, I shot my hand forwards causing a golden mist wall to block the volley of bullets.

"I think these belong to you."

I spoke as the volley of bullets shot back out of the mist wall hitting the soldiers in front. I lowered the mist wall becoming intangible, the remaining soldiers looked very confused as I slowly made my way over. I leaned over getting real to a random soldier's ear.

"I know what death you fear the most."

I whispered before his pupils glossed over with a golden mist. I could see the death he feared the most, a horde of zombies seemed to surround him inching closer and closer.

"No! No! Get away from me!"

He shouted as he began to shoot at the remaining soldiers thinking they were zombies,killing off the remaining before Enwo came from behind. She jumped on his back snapping his neck swiftly.I turn visble again with a gleeful smile on my face which unnerved Enwo.

"Don't start letting that power go to your head."

She partly joked.

"It's fiiine, I can't have a little fun fucking these niggas up?"

I retorted before flying higher to see more soldiers coming now approaching the grassy plains on the outside of the capital city.

"I don't see our people yet, I'm going to hold them off. I need you to stay here and protect the city."

I ordered and Enwo simply nodded before commanding fleeing people to follow her to safety. I closed my eye feeling the souls of the soldiers entering and when I opened them I appeared in front of them coming out of a golden mist cloud.

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