Chapter 13

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We bursted through the doors of the infirmary seeing Enwo, king M'baku, and the tribal council watching over Shuri. I immediately push past people getting close to Shuri to see her for myself, she had a hole right through the chest that was being kept sealed by some advanced medicine tech. I hold Shuri's hand as unknown to me my hand shined very faintly making her heart rate slow down a little more.

"She's stable but the doctors don't know how long she'll last."

King M'baku spoke putting a hand on my shoulder.

"There's gotta be more that can be done!"

I shouted.

"We have to find that killmonger imposter!"

The council looked confused by that statement but king M'baku just shook his head.

"Did your trip give you any leads?"

"Nothing that tells me what she looks like."

I mumbled as I looked at Shuri's still body.

"Then there's not much we can do unfortunately but what this country needs is another Black Panther."

He said and I swapped his hand off my shoulder.

"Is that all you can think about?! The princess of your nation is on death's door and the culprit walks among us!"

I shouted.


"I can do that too asshole!"

I cut him off by making much louder gorilla noises before I knew it we both were trying to one up each other and I got in his face.

"You all talk so bad about Americans but you all act just like them! You are just as shit as us and I can't believe I ever thought it was any different!"

I shouted before running off towards the lab. I could hear footsteps follow me out.

"Look M'baku I don't care ho-"

I turned around to see Enwo and calmed down a bit.

"Where are you going Aiyanna?"

Enwo asked but I could tell she was worried about what I'd do next.

"Maybe I could save her if I just figured out what made the heart shaped herb mess up in the first place."

I spoke as I continued to walk towards the lab.

"That's a good place to start but your emotions are clouding you, you need to stay calm-"

"Stay calm Enwo?! I don't think you understand how dire this situation is, there's an invasion coming and I need to make sure everyone is safe. I don't have time for calm!"

I shouted making my way to the elevator and walking in.

"An invasion? Is that what you saw on your trip? You don't have to shoulder this all alone."

Enwo spoke and I let out a sigh realizing my anger to her was misplaced.

"You're right, I just- I can't stand by and do nothing while she's in the hospital room dying. If there's even a chance I can help I must."

I spoke feeling the determination fill my body. I go to press the button to go down the elevator and see my hand now had a black panther tattoo on it that was glowing purple.

"When the hell did you have time to get more tats?"

Enwo asked.

"I didn't."

Heart shaped herb  (SHURI X YANNA) Where stories live. Discover now