Chapter 12

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"What do you want connect the dots?"

I asked eyeing the man, I didn't have time for this I needed to save Shuri.

"That's no way to greet a former king especially since I have information you might want to hear."

He said folding his arms and walking past me.

"Information? What kind of information?"

I asked and he turned his head as a devilish smile appeared as if I played right into his hands.

"Word on the street is someone's wearing my suit and stirring up trouble for Wakanda."

Killmonger spoke.

"Yeah what about it?"

I asked getting impatient with this game he was playing.

"I know who it is, or rather who she is."

He looked at me and tried to gauge my reaction to his revelation.

"I already figure out that it's a woman dumbass. Look, if you're here to waste my tim-"

"Alright alright damn you're acting like someone is dying."

He joked which infuriated me.

"I'll tell you who it is if you promise to help me with something in the future."

"Thanks but I don't make deals with dead people."

I said rolling my eyes before turning around.

"Sure walk away, I bet you and your little friends will be able to stop the king from being assassinated as well."

He said sarcastically. I hesitantly stopped letting out a sigh, was I seriously going to make a deal with the devil?

"Fine, you have my word. Tell me everything that you know NOW."

I demanded leaning up against a tree.

"Well before I had gotten to Wakanda I had a little run in with the guy named Klaw. He was one of the white people who sought to take Wakanda's resources and use them to harm everybody, typical colonizer shit. Well I had planned to double cross him and use his death to be my ticket to Wakanda but things didn't quite pan out that way. In the process Klaw had my girlfriend at gun point leaving me with a choice, give up and be killed or shoot my girlfriend so he has no leverage over me. I think you can tell what choice I chose."

"Wow, you weren't just a shitty villain but a girlfriend killer too? Wow you sure know how to make yourself unsympathetic."

I said letting him continue as I crossed my arms.

"I left her there and she was clinically dead for a few minutes before the police came. She somehow survived a fatal shot and recovered but little did I know before I shot her she was planning to tell me she was pregnant."

"Damn so they just letting anybody in the ancestral plane?"

I quipped and he looked a little annoyed and kept going.

"She had the kid but there were complications, if she had the baby she would die or the doctors could give her something to kill the child. She decided to keep the child birthing a beautiful baby gi-"

I felt my connection to the ancestral plane start to fade as my body started to turn to mist.

"Shit! Alright just tell me what she's planning!!"

I shouted.

"She is planning to tear Wakanda down from the inside, she's fully blended in among its people and wants nothing more than to leave Wakanda a pile of ashes for what they took from her."

He said quickly as now only my head remained corporal.

"She means to kill the princess and king before assuming the throne and opening Wakanda's borders so those waiting outside of it can come in to a leaderless Wakanda weak for the taking."

I felt myself waking up being pulled by Okoye out of the sand who was shaking me awake.

"Remember our deal."

Killmonger whispered in my head before my eyes shot open.

"Okoye we need to hurry! Shuri is-"

"I know! Lets go!"

Okoye shouted as we both sprinted out of the building and back to the jet.

"Did you get any answers on anything?"

Okoye asked as she flew the jet putting it into maximum overdrive until she looked at the monitors showing that gas was currently leaking at a fast rate out of the jet.

"This wasn't a problem when we first got here, someone sabotaged our jet."

She spoke as she tried her best to get us to where we needed to go with the limited fuel we had.

"It was that damn woman in the Killmonger suit, I knew there was something following us."

I said trying to not panic at the thought of having to jump out this jet before we come crashing down. I could see the palace peer into view surprisingly not burned to the ground yet but who knows how long that will last for. The jet started to make a beeping noise indicating that it had no more fuel left. Okoye maneuvered the ship best she could towards water.

"Aiyanna we're going to have to jump!"

She shouted taking her bracelet and twisting it before the two of us got to the door of the jet. I attempted to take a deep breath but I was swiftly grabbed and pulled off the jet by Okoye. She held me tight as we began to plummet from the sky to the ocean below, she raised a hand into the air.

"Hook onto my waist with your legs and hug me!"

She commanded and I did just that as Okoye raised up her arms into the air as a parachute deployed from the bracelets. She guided us towards the shore of a small village on the outskirts of the capital. We landed gently as Okoye took off the bracelets and threw them to the side. She then looked down at me who was still hugging up against her for dear life.

"You can let go now."

"Oop sorry sorry!"

I awkwardly got off blushing red. We continued to make our way towards the palace but who this woman trying to burn Wakanda to the ground was didn't sit right with me.

"Could this really be the kid of Killmonger? Something about that idea didn't sit right with me."

I thought to myself as Okoye commandeered a motorcycle from a local. I hopped on and held onto her tight as we drove off, my heart was beating through my chest with worry.

"Shuri I hope you're okay."

Heart shaped herb  (SHURI X YANNA) Where stories live. Discover now