Chapter 16

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I awoken in a cell, my head ringing from the hit to the back of the head.

"Oh my- not fucking again."

I said as I looked around the cell. Enwo and Tyrell along with Okoye were locked with me. In the cells next to us I could see royals divided into each cell by tribe.

"Maaan this bitch forgot I have powers."

I said gripping the bars but as hard as I tried I couldn't phase through them.

"Aiyanna are you a mutant or something?"

Tyrell asked with slight bitterness to his tone.

"Oh yeah you don't know, I have become Bast's champion."


Tyrell, Enwo and even Okoye in complete shock.

"You mean to tell me I had to climb a mountain nearly dying multiple times and YOU got powers?!"

Tyrell huffed now pacing around the room annoyed.

"I guess you could say it's a skill issue."

I mocked him and he looked at me with a death glare.

"Well what happened to your powers then? You were using them perfectly fine a minute ago."

Enwo said not as freaked out as Tyrell but still wasn't use to all the cool shit I can do.

"I'm not sure.."

I thought out loud trying it once more but to no avail.

"Bast, come in Bast."

I thought only to hear something muffled not being able to make out what she was saying.

"Bast I think you forgot to pay your telepathy bill."

I thought only to hear the same gargled nonsense.

"Yeah, it's no use."

I said defeated before sitting back down onto the rough prison floor.

"I hope Shuri is alright, she hasn't gotten taken down here yet."

Enwo said leaned up against the wall throwing a small pebble up and down.

"Does she plan to make us rot in this cell? If I knew this was gonna be my fate I would let the bear eat me."

Tyrell mumbled kicking the cell door hard as fuck, I know his leg hurt but he's trying to act all tough. We waited in that cell for what seemed like hours trying to do our best to past the time by singing songs. We then realized Wakanda's greatest flaw, they don't really know many American songs so the karaoke night ended pretty fast. Enwo, Tyrell, and I all took turns bashing into the door to see maybe if it'll break to no avail as Okoye watched on rubbing the bridge of her nose. We now sat bored until we heard a gentle knock onto our cell door.


I let out, sitting up to see Shuri standing at the door.

"Oh shit you guys healed Shuri? Why does no one tell me shit?"

Tyrell complained as Shuri effortlessly ripped the cell door off its hinges with ease. I rushed to Shuri hugging her.

"I'm sorry I didn't come back for you."

I said

"It's okay, I finally get to return the favor."

We locked eyes smiling at each other before I cleared my throat blushing.

"We should free everyone else so they can get to safety."

I said.

"No, Wakanda is about to be invaded on all sides. They would be safer down here. We can't lose anymore royalty."

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