Chapter 19

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[Aiyanna's perspective please re read chapter 18.5 for this to make sense if you read it when I previously published it]

I saw a vision of the nuke coming and destroying all of Wakanda flash into my mind.

"No this can't be it."

I thought before focusing harder to see other other outcomes but they all ended the same with some slight variation. I fell over exhausted and defeated, it was all really over and in the end I was powerless to stop it. I felt someone hug me, their warmth bringing me some sort of comfort before everything went white. I could feel myself at peace before I blinked standing now in the ancestral plane but nobody to greet me.

"Tyrell?! Shuri?! Enwo?! Bast?! Hell, Killmonger?!Anybody at all?!"

I shouted only for my voice to echo throughout the empty plain. I begin to trek through the grassy plain feeling the blades of grass tickle my calves when I pass by. I breathed in smelling the clean pristine air, the air smelt untouched by anything man made having an almost pureness to it.

"Hello!? Anybody?!"

I cried out once more passing by a tall tree with strangely no leaves.

"Hello, Aiyanna."

A woman's voice spoke coming from behind the tree. An elderly black woman with silver dreads adorned with gold rings entangled in it hobbled out from behind tree. She held a cane made of a tree branch with symbols engraved along the wood.

"Who are you?"

I inquired, I couldn't place it but she looked familiar.

"I go by many names but you can call me mother raven."

She smiled strolling over to me slowly before putting a hand out. I went to shake it only for her to flip it over palm side up and examine it, she seemed to look forwards at nothing and that's when I noticed her pupils were clouded.

"She's blind."

I thought to myself as I looked down to see her running her index finger along my palm.

"You've done so much in your short time in Wakanda, I knew I picked the right one to bestow my gift onto."

She marveled, her smile only growing.

"What do you mean gift?"

But she didn't answer only continuing to trace her finger along the lines of my palm until she got to the end where her smile sank to a frown.

"Oh no...this can't be where it ends."

She muttered before releasing my hand.

"All of Wakanda gone by an American bomb... I never thought that would be her fate."

She remarked shaking her head before going back behind the tree only to come back with a large black book.

"Yeah yeah Wakanda got bombed now, what gift are you talking about?"

I questioned once more.

"Oh, I'm the one who gave you your power to see the future or rather potential futures."

She explained strolling back over to me.

"But enough of that, we need to consult my book."

She flicked her wrist as roots sprout up from under the ground forming into the shape of a table. She plopped the big book down making a hard thud, kicking up dust into the air.

"I've recorded every vision I've had detailing the future; the Killmonger incident, the Namor incident, M'baku's reign as king."

She explained flipping through pages showing drawings of events that had transpired, she was flipping the pages quite frantically but I caught a glimpse of one detailing me coming to Wakanda.

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