Chapter 17.5

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[We now flop back to Tyrell's perspective]

Oyoke, Zemo, and I all enter the communications hub, having just came from retrieving my shield after getting the information out of Zemo. The place had a table with a holographic map of the entirety of Wakanda and towards the end of the room was a coms console.

"Wow Wakanda sure knows how to make their tech."

Zemo admitted before I slapped him in the back of the head.

"You've lost speaking privileges nigga."

I hissed and he quietly shut up not wanting to have to fight. Okoye went over to the comms console which played a message all over Wakanda.

"Citizens of Wakanda, we are under attack by U.S forces. Your queen has betrayed us but we must stick together and push them back! Wakanda has not bowed to anybody and it sure as hell won't bow today! Wakanda Forever!"

Okoye roared before looking back at me. I clapped before I hit Zemo gesturing to him and he clapped as well.

"That should have been heard by everyone, lets hope Aiyanna was able to hold them o-"

The ground shook violently.

"That's either Aiyanna or someone crazy, I'm hoping for the first one."

I said chuckling nervously, if one of our enemies is causing damage like that then my shield might as well be a dinner plate for my last meal. We were about to leave the comms room when bullets began to rain, I pushed Zemo to the ground and blocked them with my shield before going to some sort of cover. I look over to see Okoye ducked behind the table which sparked from the damage taken by the bullets.

"You can't hide forever."

The voice spoke, I peered my head around the corner seeing a white man with a white skull t shirt before I quickly hid again as a volley of bullet came raining towards me.

"Fuck fuck fuck!"

I thought shaking my head. That was the fucking punisher, he kills people as a day job. I feel my hands shaking before I take a deep breath.

"You're punisher right? I thought you were a hero."

I spoke.

"I wouldn't call myself a hero, just a man that's associated with them."

He answered reloading his guns. I came from behind  cover and tossed my shield straight at his chest with force causing him to stumble back as the shield ricocheted off him and back into my hands.

"What are you? Captain America?"

He quipped aiming his pistols at me.

"No nigga I'm wakanda man."

I jokingly quipped before blocking his volley of bullets with my shield. He leg sweeped me before bringing down a knife which stabbed me right in the shoulder blade. I let out a yelp before Okoye bats him away using her spear making him fly back and crash into the wall.

"Before we fight, I want you to know this isn't personal. They are just paying me a hell of a lot to point my gun and shoot."

He explained before diving backwards firing his pistols at us. I crouch down and move towards him using my shield to defend but Okoye steps in front of me spinning her spear out in front of her deflecting the bullets. I use this chance to throw my shield making it ricochet off the walls and flying over his head.

"You missed kid."

He quipped.

"Did I?"

I smirked as the shield bounced off an opened door and smack him in the back of the head staggering him for a moment. We rushed forwards, Okoye used her spear to sweep his legs and as he was coming down I dropped an elbow into his stomach causing the wind to get knocked out of him. Okoye kept her spear trained on him as I went to pick up my shield before pulling out the knife in my shoulder.

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