Chapter 15

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[We cut back to Aiyanna and Enwo in the throne room with Linda and King M'baku]

"She's right I'm afraid."

King M'baku spoke.

"I do remember you Linda stevens, you came to us to help you with the complications of your birth. I'm sorry we couldn't do anything to save your baby."

"I don't need your sympathy."

She spat which made me think about the lady in black at the festival of the dead, it was definitely Linda.

"All I want now is what I'm owed, I might not be Wakandian but my baby was the child of royalty meaning on behalf of her I want my chance at the throne."

"You can't be serious, wouldn't the baby have to be alive for this to be true?"

I asked looking to King M'baku who shook his head.

"No, it doesn't specify the baby having to be alive to challenge for the throne just that every heir to a Wakandian ruler has a chance for the throne."

M'baku explained before letting out a sigh.

"So you come into my kingdom and reign chaos then challenge me for my throne? I will take great pleasure in beating you into the ground."

M'baku said getting close to her looking down at her from the bridge of his nose. Linda was unfazed and shook her head.

"If I can put a spear through the back of Shuri, what makes you think I can't do the same to you?"

She asked now smiling before M'baku leaned down getting into her face.

"Because this time you're going to have to stab me from the front."

He said bluntly. She simply scoffed before patting him on the shoulders.

"See you at warrior falls former king M'baku."

She smirked before walking off eyeing both me and Enwo as she did.

"King M'baku, you can't seriously go through with thi-"

"I have to, if I don't I'll be considered a tyrant. I can handle her, you don't have to worry."

M'baku reassured me but I couldn't shake this terrible feeling.

"If you say so."

I muttered realizing there was not much more I could do now.

"Oh, about your friend Tyrell."

M'baku spoke.

"He's becoming a fine warrior from what I've heard. He's become somewhat attached to that colonizer's shield."

M'baku said smiling which made me feel a little better knowing Tyrell isn't dead.

"Now off you two go, I'm sure your both tired from everything that's happened. You deserve some rest."

M'baku spoke softly as we both left.

Two days had passed and since our encounter with Linda in the throne room I've been on edge. She is now just walking among us free as a bird and at any moment could try to kill me again. I rubbed my throat thinking back to when she ambushed us in the lab.

"It's going to be different, I have the power to fight against her now."

I thought to myself as I turn my hand transparent before going back to normal. I've learned how to control when I go intangible and I'm finally getting a hang of this flying thing. The other facets of my powers I still have yet to discover, I've tried asking Bast but her cryptic ass hasn't helped at all. I look out my balcony, today was finally the day. Today was the day of the coronation ceremony duel.

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