Chapter 14.5: what happened to Tyrell?

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[ Just to clarify, this will be told in the perspective of Tyrell and what he has been doing from chapter 11 to 14]

"American, your first task to prove yourself is to climb to the top of the mountain where my tribe lives. If you survive then you will be worthy of the challenges to come next."

King M'baku said looking at the top of the mountain before looking at me. No way, he's gotta be joking. The mountain was tall as hell not to mention very steep.

"This has to be some sort of joke right? No man could possibly survive that."

I protested which he just laughed giving me a stiff slap on the back.

"This is how young members of our tribe prove themselves. My people pride ourselves on being able to adapt to any circumstance."

"I mean but I'm not from here! I'm not built for this."

I admitted as king M'baku just shook his head.

"A man who gives up before he even starts is not a man at all, he's a coward."

He said bluntly before walking off.

"See you at the top."

He said from the distance, I looked up at the mountain and sighed.

"A coward? Who the fuck was he calling a coward? I just need to climb this mountain and I should be fine...right?"

I thought out loud before starting to make my way up the steep mountain path. I kept walking until my feet hurt feeling my toes and fingers become numb.

"F-fuck it's so f-f-fucking cold."

I thought wiping my running nose on my sleeve. I was about to continue walking when I heard a twig snap followed by a figure moving quickly out of sight. I readied my shield looking around cautiously as from out of the foliage a wolf leaped out trying to bite me. I quickly turned my shield towards him blocking him from getting anywhere near my face, the wolf thrashed against the shield using all it's weight and might to try to get through.

"Leave me alone!!"

I shouted feeling the fear of god get put into me. This can't be it, I can't die on some random mountain by a wolf never to be seen again. I looked around for something to grab when I saw a rock at my side I quickly grabbed it and bashed the wolf in the eye. The wolf reeled back whimpering giving me enough time to get off the ground. I felt my fight or flight kick into overdrive, I saw an opportunity to run away and I took one step before bringing my attention back to the wolf. The wolf growled and snarled standing it's ground. I could hear king M'baku's words echo in my head as I stared down the wolf.

A man who gives up before he even starts is not a man at all, he's a coward

"I am no coward."

I said out loud as I took a step towards the wolf. The wolf barked stomping the ground, drool dripping from his muzzle.

"Come on!!"

I shouted before picking up a rock and throwing it at the wolf hitting it right in the nose. The wolf whimpered distracted by the pain, I took my chance. I rushed forward and with all the might I could muster I took the shield and flung it aiming for the wolfs face. The wolf caught it in it's mouth like a dog catching a frisbee, I felt a little embarrassed that the dog caught it so effortlessly but I had to improvise. I grabbed onto the other end of the shield as me and the wolf got into a tug of war neither wanting to give in to the other. I was definitely starting to run on fumes, the strength boost from the adrenaline starting to waver. I muscled through however taking the low road and punching the wolf in his injured eye with one hand while still holding onto the shield with the other. He whimpered letting go before I took the shield and bashed him in the face as hard as I could. He staggered getting ready to growl and get back into it but I smashed the shield into it's face once more. The wolf fell over, his legs shaking and his tail lowering. I raised the shield above my head ready to bring it down onto the wolf's neck before the wolf and I made eye contact. I could see the same scared and frightened expression on his face as I once wore.

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