Chapter 8

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The morning after I watched over Shuri in the hospital. She seemed to be stable but with the herb running out, her time as the protector of Wakanda was in jeopardy. Enwo came in, she was bandaged up but she definitely wasn't looking that injured.

"So is it true? Were those people after you?"

Enwo asked. I couldn't tell her the truth that Tyrell knows the formula, if they found out I lied then who knows how long they'll remain hospitable to me.

"Yeah, they want my acid but it's gotten bigger than that. They have my best friend Tyrell held captive."

I explained.

"We need to go and save Tyrell before they try to hurt him, I couldn't live with myself if they tortured him because of me."

"I don't know, it still is very dangerous for you to go back. What if they are just trying to bait you over the border so they can kidnap you?"

Enwo rebuttals eyeing my wound on my shoulder with a saddened look.

"What if I can't protect you?"

She grips my shoulder as it seems like she was reliving something but I couldn't tell what.

"You don't need to worry about me, I was able to hold my own while you and the king decided last minute saves was the theme of yesterday."

I joked but apart of me was still bitter they weren't there to protect me, I mean imagine if that racist asshole killed me.

"I'm sorry, I usually go with my mother during the festival. We do our own private memorial in remembrance of my father. I heard all the shouting and shooting and made my way to you as fast as I could. I failed you once Aiyanna y/n, I won't let it happen again."

She swore as she saluted to me with passion.

"You don't need to be so formal but I would be lying if it didn't make me feel all important."

I chuckled which made Enwo's stoic expression drop to a soft smile.

"Oh, the king requested you come to his meeting, he wants all high level Wankandian personnel to be there."

Enwo informed as I could tell she was a little embarrassed about almost forgetting.

"Man lets take our time getting there, I'm still a little upset about him coming at the last minute to save me."

I quipped turning to leave only to be grabbed by the wrist by a now conscious Shuri.

"Aiyanna wait."

She let out as she pulled herself up. She held her ribs in pain using her limited strength to stand.

"Are you sure you're okay to be walking?"
I asked seeing the pain she tried to hide behind a weak smile.

"They need me to be there, Wakanda needs to see their protector."

She said weakly walking before adjusting her posture to appear well. She morphed into her black panther suit to hide her injuries. I could tell the rapidly depleting effects of the heart shaped herb was getting to her. I could see it in her dark brown eyes the weight of Wakanda she was holding up but for how much long could she keep up? How much longer could she be a symbol to these people without the herb?


I stated out loud as Enwo and Shuri stared at me confused.

"I'm going to make sure Wakanda keeps their symbol, we'll just need to go over the formula of the heart shaped herb again."

I suggested already going over things that could be the issue until I felt Shuri's warm hands grip my shoulder softly.

"Look at you worrying about me."

Heart shaped herb  (SHURI X YANNA) Where stories live. Discover now