Chapter 7

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"Aiyanna leave now! I'll protect you!"
Shuri commanded stepping in front of me and pushing me back.

"But what about the her-"

"I said leave!"

Shuri turned her head to me before looking back at the three. The intensity of her words along with the adrenaline fueled me as I made my way away from the battlefield trying to find someplace to hide.

"Ugh so the hard way it is, Bullseye stop Aiyanna."

The man with the red and black captain America shield spoke and a sadistic glee overtook Bullseye.

"With pleasure."

He ran after me, Shuri attempted to stop him only to be stopped by the man with the skull mask.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck."

I cursed out loud trying to think of a way out of this. I couldn't fight any of these guys, I don't even know who they are but I do know they want me bad. I felt something sharp stick into my shoulder causing me to jolt forward in pain rolling across the ground and crawling my way to the side of a market stall for cabbages.

"You know they wanted us to bring you in whatever the costs so that means they don't mind if you come in a little bloody."

He chuckled to himself, I could hear his steps slowly yet methodically coming closer. I examined my shoulder to see a sharpened playing card embedded into my shoulder blade.

"I guess this card is the only thing I got to defend myself. Fuck I hope I don't bleed out."

I rip the card out of my shoulder blade letting out a grunt of pain as blood leaked down my back. I ready the card to do some sort of damage when he inevitably catches me each step closer causing my breathing to fasten. I could hear him about to round the corner when something flew by and knocked him off his feet. I look to see Enwo standing over him with her sword in hand.

"I don't know who you are but Aiyanna is under my protection! You step even a foot closer i'll make sure it's the last step you ever take."

Enwo warned getting into a stance standing firm in protecting me.

"Fuck his ass up Enwo!!"

I shouted before running away once again.

"How did these guys even get into Wakanda without anyone knowing? That would be impossible unless you were Wakandian."

I thought to myself going through all the possible ways they could've but none of them made sense. I made it back to the palace panting heavily but I didn't get to rest long as a red and black shield came flying towards me. I narrowly ducked and the shield embedded itself into the wall above me. I began to run once more trying to think of somewhere for me to go until I remembered the iron man like suit in the lab.

"Aiyanna, why are you making this difficult? Don't you want to go home? I'm sure that best friend of yours is worried sick."

He spoke as he ripped his shield out of the wall and continued making his way towards me.

"Eat a dick you fake captain america!"

I shouted which made him visibly angry as he tossed the shield with a lot more force than last time. I look around at the doors near me opting to go into the janitors closet and plummeting through the hole I had made previously right through a table. I pull myself up and hobble my way towards the display case where the iron man like suit was kept.

"You know your friend was more than happy to give us the formula for your capture but what's stopping us from just killing you and torturing him until he fesses? You're nothing but a civilian who's in over there head so stop trying to fight."

Heart shaped herb  (SHURI X YANNA) Where stories live. Discover now