Chapter 9

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We sat in an awkward stillness, no parties knowing what to say next to break the tension. We stared at each other trying to read what the other was thinking to come up with an adequate response; but when three people are doing the exact same thing it leads to a mental stalemate.


Shuri finally decided breaking the tension. She blinked a few times and I think even pinched herself to check if she was dreaming.

"Yeah, wow."

Enwo said, her normal soft spoken stoic warrior persona was shed immediately as her true worry wart self shined through.

"I know, I haven't been exactly truthful but could you blame me? It's not everyday you're held on trial for something you did as a project because you knew it had to be possible."

Shuri didn't speak, she seemed to be calculating a plan in her head but as to what I couldn't figure out.

"You put all of Wakanda in danger, if your friend even told those bastards even a hint of what he knows they'll tear him apart until they get it. They'll find ways to make him talk, just like they did to white wolf."

"Um white wolf?"

I asked curious but also trying to change the subject at least for the moment.

"He's a member of the avengers, I don't really know what he goes by now but his real name is Bucky Barnes. He use to talk about his traumas all the time, who knew the Avengers had so much drama."

Enwo seemed to want to chuckle but then realized what I was doing and squinted her eyes. Enwo was about to call me out when Shuri spoke her plan.

"So in the throne room, you were asking if they could help because you know your friend has information, yes?"

"Yeah but King M'baku sai-"

"We're going to save your friend."

Shuri smiled and I couldn't help but smile back beaming in appreciation.

"I don't want to ruin this moment but how are we going to break out of Wakanda? King M'baku is going to have this place on lock."

"Oh please, you're talking to someone who figured out how to make 3D printer decades before America. We got this."

"Not doubting your abilities but what about your powers? Maybe we should go try to work on fixing the heart shaped herb formula before we go?"

I said looking at her eyes to see a bashfulness to them, maybe because she's embarrassed to ask me for help or because she's never had to ask for help before.

"W-we can figure that out later, right now your friend is in grave danger. We'll have to be quick, we leave tonight and we'll come back in the morning. We all can't afford to be missing for too long or people will be suspicious."

Shuri spoke but something about how sure she was about her plan made me a lot more relaxed. If the smartest woman couldn't figure out how to break out of the security system she helped build then we are doomed.

"We just have one issue, if M'baku has upped the defenses then we can't just take down the shield around the city, we need to pass through it without a trace but the only way to do that is if you're Wakandian."

Shuri said as her and Enwo stared at me.

"Wakanda forever?"

I said doing the salute before I was grabbed and pulled into the Shuri's private lab. They sat me down and I was suddenly cuffed to the chair by the wrists and feet.

Heart shaped herb  (SHURI X YANNA) Where stories live. Discover now