Chapter 18

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[Aiyanna perspective]

"Erik? Is that you?"

She asked dropping her guard and tilting her head.

"Yes baby, I've missed you so much."

Killmonger answered from my body. I was now in the same inky void with several other men as we watched through the eyes of my body.

"Was this his plan all along? He was going to hijacked my fucking body!?"

I snarled trying to use my powers to pull him out of control but he resisted. Killmongress took off her helmet as her shocked expression quickly flipped to a growing anger hidden behind a smile.

"Erik, why did you shoot me?"

Killmongress asked bluntly looking him dead in the eyes.

"Bae you know I had no other choice."

He explained.

"I couldn't just abandon my dream, you know that."

He said but this just turned her fake smile to a frown.



Killmonger questioned.

"I would've named MY daughter Royalty."

She said before launching forwards and socking Killmonger in the mouth sending him through a building giving me the perfect chance to take control back. I let out a loud gasp feeling the pain now reverberate throughout my whole body.

"Killmonger, this is your mess. You need to finish it."

I said before phasing into my stomach and pulling out his dark blue soul before flicking it into a dead soldier on the ground. The body began to contort and morph unnervingly as joints snapped back into place.

"Baby listen, we can still live out our dream. We can have a family together like we always wanted."

Killmonger pleaded hobbling over to Killmongress while I checked up on Shuri.

"You alright?"

I asked reaching a hand down to help her up. She didn't speak for a moment but her eyes roamed from my face down to my chest then back up. Her soft mocha skin now turning a flush red as she awkwardly looked back up into my eyes before taking my hands.

"Y-yeah I'm alright she just caught me by surprise."

She admitted and I chuckled softly at her embarrassment.

"You like my outfit?~"

I teased which now her face blushed a deeper crimson.

"Y-y-yeah it's g-great Aiyanna."

She stuttered, I could feel my unwavering gaze made her very nervous. She was trying her best not to make direct eye contact with me. I gripped the bottom of her chin with two fingers making her look up and meet my gaze.

"I don't mind if you look."

I spoke softly referring to her staring at my cleavage earlier. She was at a loss for words before she quickly turned away clearing her throat.

"You filthy liar, you let my dream die the day you shot me and now I'll do the same to yours."

Killmongress spat before launching forwards trying to claw his eyes out. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I got a vision of Tyrell trying to block a tank blast with his shield before exploding into bits.

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