Chapter 6

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The next day I spent in my room thinking about the vision I had.

"I can't quite gather anything from the latter part of that vision but the heart petal has to be of some significance."

I thought to myself and decided to go ask Enwo. I opened the door to see Enwo standing outside guarding it.

"Oh Aiyanna, you finally get out of your room."

"Yeah, can we talk real quick?"

I asked and Enwo looked confused but came in anyway.

"So when I got knocked out I saw this vision."

"What was the vision?"

"It was of this heart shaped petal and it got split in half and wilting, do you know anything about this petal?"

"Yeah that's the petal we use to imbue someone with the power of the black panther, Kilmonger however destroyed our last supply of it. Shuri figured out a way to replicate it and was able to use it to revive the power of the black panther once more.

Enwo explained but that didn't answer why in my vision it was being torn in half and wilting.

"Maybe Shuri would have more answers, I know you two have a rocky relationship but she should be informed in case this becomes a bigger issue."

"I'll think about it."

I said bluntly and looked outside to see a festival being set up.

"Ooo what's going on down there?"

"Oh today is our festival honoring the dead."

Enwo explained.

"Will you be joining us?"

"Yeah! I gotta see how yall party."

"I don't know, can your American ass keep up?"

Enwo joked letting out a small giggle before leaving my room. Challenge accepted.

For a festival about the dead, the festival was lively. The music was amazing, and the people looked even better. Some were dressed in cultural regalia and others in casual yet fashionable clothing. I had finally put on some proper wakandian drip (insert what you think it looks like here) and was feeling myself. I even decided to take off my 30 inch Brazilian bust down and wear my natural hair. I walked around the festival enjoying the food and talking to the people even picking up a few phrases in different languages that I didn't know. That's when I spotted Shuri, she was wearing all white tribal clothes with white dots on her face. She was dancing with a group of people but my attention could only focus on her, her clothing and the smile on her face really made her glow in the night. I caught myself smiling while watching her before she looked at me and I stopped awkwardly. She walked over grabbing my hand and we both began to dance, I couldn't keep up at first but we step by step became synchronized with one another. I for the first time since I got here didn't think she was a bitch, she actually seemed quite nice. We both locked eyes for a moment and everything seemed to fade out of view, she smiled at me for a moment before it dropped to a frown. She walked off and before I knew it I was following right behind her.

We ended up at a cliff side staring down at the ocean, the moon was full perfectly above us, its light illuminated the water below.  Shuri sat at the edge of the cliff looking down at the water, she seemed lost in thought.

"So do you always run away and go sit at the edge of cliffs?"

I joked trying to lighten the mood which she laughed dryly.

"Only after dancing with someone with two left feet."

She joked back.

"Hey fuck you! I would rather have two left feet than no rhythm."

We both joined together in laughter for the first time since I've gotten here.

"You know... I didn't mean to be so hard on you."

She admitted.

"I just...You ever just feel so unworthy? With me becoming the black panther so suddenly and queen for a little , I don't feel like I earned it like my brother did. So when I saw you use your acid to melt the spears I spent months of my life to make it only confirmed the fact in my head. If I can build something that can just be melted away or be made obsolete by someone making something better then what use do I have? What use will I have when the herb runs out?

She said as tears streamed down her face.

"You think you're useless? You literally have helped provide technology to a WHOLE nation, you stepped up when nobody else would; not just for you but for your people. I don't think that makes you useless at all, if anything your usefulness is only growing with each discovery you make."

I reached out hesitating to put my arm around Shuri. I calmed myself and committed wrapping my arm around her tight and snug.

"T-thank you I really needed that, you know American you aren't so bad."

She said wiping her tears and smiling.  I smiled back at her but then realized something she mentioned.

"Wait what do you mean that the herb is running ou-"

Drums began to beat loudly in the distance.

"We have to go, the memorial boats are being sent out. We have to go or we're gonna miss it."

Shuri said as she ran off, I followed after but couldn't shake this weird feeling I was being watched. We made it to the ceremony, I watched Shuri make two boats putting small candles on them and sending them off. I smiled watching her but someone else caught my eye, there was a woman dressed in pure black with a hood. She lit two boats as well and sent it off staring vacantly at them make their way down the river bed. She slowly turned her head and looked at me for a moment before walking off. I looked back to watch her leave but she was gone from my sight without a trace. I looked back towards the boats floating peacefully down the river bank only to hear sirens blaring, people began to scatter and Shuri immediately morphs into her black panther suit. A man with a skull mask, a man with a red and black shield similar to captain America, and a man with a black suit and a white target on his head walk towards us stopping in their tracks. They seemed to all be focusing their attention on me and not Shuri.

"Alright lets make this easy, hand over Aiyanna y/n or we will have to use force."

Heart shaped herb  (SHURI X YANNA) Where stories live. Discover now