Chapter 14

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"!! You caused all this! You gave that bitch the power to destroy Wakanda! Why would you do that?!"

I shouted as she stared at me blankly.

"A lesson needed to be taught in order for Wakanda to grow."

She said bluntly.

"Grow?! You just helped cause it's destruction!"

I spat as I felt my body feeling no wound on my neck.

"Wakanda still has a chance to thrive but with the mentality staying the same I fear only the worse to come."

"What are you talking about?! You did this!"

I shouted as she then waved her hand as a purple aurora borealis appeared in front of us. I saw all the different outcomes of the invasion and none of them saw Wakanda thriving, just a black panther standing tall above the rubble.

"I don't get it, what are you trying to say?"

I asked.

"Wakanda needs more than just a black panther, Wakanda needs someone with a new perspective."

"That literally didn't answer anything."

I sighed rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"Wakanda is going down a path where the spirituality and tradition are thrown away. The people are forgetting their roots and the black panther is only pushing those values."

She explained.

"Even the timelines where Shuri is no longer black panther suffer the same fate, so now I'm left with a choice. Let the people burn or let them forget their roots?"

"Why does it matter that they forget?"

I asked.

"Because them forgetting makes my power and influence weaker meaning it'll do the same to it's protector and then it'll do the same to the land itself. My blessing helps more than just the black panther you know."

"Well I don't want to see Wakanda burn but I also don't want to see it die off slowly either. There has got to be another way to help fix this."

"Don't you see, it's you."

She said pointing to me.

"Me? What you're going to make me a black panther or something?"

I asked half jokingly.

"No, I'm going to make you something greater. You will become the voice to the spiritual that Wakanda is missing. I want you to become my next champion!"

Bast said as she extended out her hand for me to shake. I was too stunned to speak, who would've thought I would go from fearing for my life while being kidnapped by Wakanda to about to become it's champion.

"I have a condition to add."

"Oh? You're bargaining with me while the fate of Wakanda hangs in the balance? You are a very interesting mortal."

"I want my friend Enwo to come back to life."

I said plainly.

"That's all? Consider it done."

She snapped her fingers as an orange orb appeared in her hand. She flicked it over to me as it circled my head like the moon orbiting the Earth. I looked at her hand and hesitantly shook it as I felt a surge of energy shoot through my entire body painfully. I let out a loud scream as I jolted awake in the lab, I felt my throat feeling the wound close up then I look at my hands. They go incorporeal for a moment before going back to normal. I felt different, it wasn't good or bad just new.

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