Chapter 2

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I violently woke up to the sound of the butt end of the spear hitting the ground.

"You are a deep sleeper, I've been banging my spear for several minutes."

The general spoke.

"Now rise up, we have arrived."

I immediately got up to my feet and was marched out of the ship and now was standing on wakandian soil; well standing in the hangar bay but wakandian soil nonetheless. The Dora Milaje led me to the throne room, the architecture was like something out of like a comic book. I couldn't gawk for too long however; I was now standing in front of the tribal council each being a representative from the different tribes of Wakanda. I awkwardly bow to them and a large black man who I recognize as king M'baku laughs at me.

"We do not do that here silly American, now rise."

I stood up, my face hot with embarrassment.

"Oop sorry sorry."

I then attempt to do the wakandian salute.

"Don't you dare."

M'baku barked before I could finish the salute. I awkwardly put my arms to my side.

"We have summoned you to Wakanda today to discuss your invention. We want to know who you work for? France? Shield? A.I.M?"

I blinked a few times confused.

"Um nobody? I did it for my college project."

M'baku palmed his face and shook his head.

"Not another science project, do you Americans like making things to mess with Wakanda?"

He said rhetorically.

"Does anybody else know the formula to this acid?"

"No sir, I'm the only one who knows."

I lied, Tyrell knows the formula as well (not by choice) but if I told them that it might put him in danger.

"Hm, if you don't work for anybody and you're the only person that knows the formula then we can't have you go back. Your invention is brilliant but in the wrong hands it puts us at risk."

M'baku explains as the tribal council begins to shout at him their opposite opinions.


He shouted as the room went completely quiet, not even a squeak was heard.

"We can not have anymore blood shed in Wakanda, we've already lost too much when that fish man attacked. I believe this smart but very silly American can be of use to figuring out the weaknesses of Vibranium to strengthen it."

M'baku for his brutish appearance was well spoken and caring. He made eye contact with me.

"Ms. Aiyanna y/n, you will work for Wakanda as a scientist and help us figure out what you did to make the acid."

M'baku spoke but a devious smirk filled his face.

"Or we could kill you then feed you to the hyenas."

His tribe behind him started making gorilla noises which unnerved me until M'baku's devious smirk changed to a genuine smile.

"I'm kidding! Someone show her to her room and get her a change of clothes. She looks like she shops at the GAP."

Just as suddenly as I was in the throne room I was led out. I was brought to this giant room, five times the size of my dorm room with full kitchen, living room, and walk in closet in the bedroom. In the living room was a balcony that overlooked Wakanda.

"Oooo this is niiice! Tyrell would be jealous as fuck if he saw this view."

I spoke aloud as the realization hit me, I wouldn't be able to see my best friend again. He's probably worried sick about me, I looked at my phone but realized I have no service.

"Yeah American technology doesn't work around here."

A soft voice spoke out which made me jump and cause me to drop my phone off the balcony.

I shouted trying desperately to grab my phone and almost falling off the balcony but a strong tug kept me from diving off. I turn around to see a girl my age with a freshly shaven head and armor like the Dora Milaje. She gave me a wakandian salute and smiled.

"I am Enwo, daughter of Thandi. I will be your personal bodyguard and guide."

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